We can spin up support for the demo, demo40 and demo904 servers on our hardware if there is a danger that its going to go down. Is Apache providing us hosting infrastructure for it? What vendor hosts Apache's infrastructure? Does the ASF own its own facilities? That seems far-fetched. Is there a reason that Contegix cannot get "preferred vendor" status for ASF?

Tim Ruppert wrote:
Alright, just wanted to raise this up again to anyone working with the infra 
team at the ASF - I'm still not sure that we have a working duplicate of what 
Contegix and HotWax have been hosting for years.  Here's the checklist if 
anyone's interested:

1. docs.ofbiz.org - migrated, but still dependent at some level of the old 
backup at olddocs.ofbiz.org
2. demo.ofbiz.org - not migrated
3. demo40.ofbiz.org - not migrated
4. demo904.ofbiz.org - not migrated
5. api.ofbiz.org - migrated?
6. build.ofbiz.org (I think this is close)
7. log.ofbiz.org - not migrated until 2, 3, and 4 are migrated
8. olddocs.ofbiz.org - not migrated
9. bigfiles.ofbiz.org - not migrated 10. anything else?

We're now over the XMas holiday here and there are only 9 days left on this 
server.  Please speak up on which portions are going to be a huge problem or 
please step up and help to migrate this stuff off because I don't want OFBiz to 
turn into a pumpkin because we didn't have people acting - we've been talking 
about it for six weeks now ....

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