One more quick answer here Ean - all of the servers are ASF servers - they have 
their own infrastructure and I'm not sure what business is behind it - they 
might own their own facilities - but it does seem far fetched.  We attempted to 
go down the road of getting Contegix (and already approved, preferred vendor 
for other ASF projects btw) to have this status with OFBiz, but it never really 
got anywhere.  Sorry I missed that on my original response.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:07 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> Is Apache providing us hosting infrastructure for it? What vendor hosts 
> Apache's infrastructure? Does the ASF own its own facilities? That seems 
> far-fetched. Is there a reason that Contegix cannot get "preferred vendor" 
> status for ASF?

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