On Feb 5, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

> My recommendation - even at this point - is that we start to have a 
> discussion about all of the things this new component does, and the people 
> who are using the old one can put all of their feature coverage on the table 
> - then we can discuss how to bring them together.  This may be one ebay 
> component which utilizes both XML for some things and the SDK for others - 
> but without knowing the feature coverage - we're screwed.

Tim, I agree that it is worth the effort to compare the features (and their 
implementation) of the two components and attempt to merge them; and I agree 
with you also when you write that it is not really important if some parts of 
the component will use XML and other parts will use SDK.

Kind regards,


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