Wikipedia to the rescue -


On 21/06/2010 15:42, Scott Gray wrote:
> On 21/06/2010, at 7:33 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Interesting, BTW why did you pick Hippo, did you compare with open 
>> competitors (using JackRabbit underneath of course) ?
> Jacques, that is a very good question :-)
> I never actually considered that there were others, it was the first I 
> stumbled across.  Oops, I should probably go and check.
>> Thanks
>> Jacques
>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>> You're making a pretty big assumption that CMS apps are interchangeable so 
>>> long as the repo is jackrabbit.  Jackrabbit (or more
>>> specifically the JCR) provides nothing more than a standard interface for 
>>> querying and interacting with content nodes, it does
>>> nothing to define or enforce a specific node/hierarchy structure.  From 
>>> what I've seen so far, the CMS defines the structure
>>> which would preclude OFBiz from being able to do so if we want to be able 
>>> to use anything other than our own hand rolled CMS.   It's a bit like 
>>> suggesting that because we have SQL and JDBC you can therefore sit any 
>>> application on top of any database, which
>>> is really only true for the most generic of applications (i.e. a database 
>>> browser).  You could probably interchangeably use any
>>> number of generic repository browsers to access jackrabbit but as soon as 
>>> you push to a much higher level than that you are going
>>> to run into problems.   I guess it could be possible to have some sort of 
>>> translation layer in which you map your CMS's content structure into 
>>> something
>>> that OFBiz can understand.  For example telling OFBiz that all product 
>>> names can be accessed via
>>> "/content/products/${productId}/productName" but that assumes product name 
>>> is a node rather than a node attribute like
>>> "/content/products/${product}['productName']" and I'm not sure what 
>>> implications that might carry along with it because OFBiz
>>> might need to deal with an attribute differently than it might a node.    
>>> In short, I really have very little idea of what I'm talking about.  But if 
>>> we all wait for someone else to figure this stuff out
>>> then I fear we may end up waiting quite a while. I guess ideally we would 
>>> have a branch that contains a jackrabbit client component, a Hippo CMS 
>>> component and another CMS app
>>> component.  We could then use them to experiment with approaches for OFBiz 
>>> to interact with each CMS's repository structure in a
>>> generic manner.  Regards
>>> Scott
>>> On 21/06/2010, at 3:21 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Actually, no - we don't need to build a CMS application. We can use an 
>>>> existing one. A bare-bones content repository is what we
>>>> want. The concept proposed so far (as far as I can tell) is to find a way 
>>>> to integrate Jackrabbit into OFBiz, then a user can select
>>>> any CMS they want to run on top of it. -Adrian
>>>> --- On Sat, 6/19/10, Scott Gray <> wrote:
>>>>> From: Scott Gray <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Hippo CMS
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 4:27 PM
>>>>> The thing to remember is that
>>>>> Jackrabbit is nothing more than a content repository, like a
>>>>> database for your content.  If we go the route of using
>>>>> a raw repository then we have to build a CMS application to
>>>>> sit on top of it.
>>>>> What I am proposing is to use the work of others rather
>>>>> than build something new from the ground up.  I don't
>>>>> know about you but designing content management systems
>>>>> isn't exactly my area of expertise.  Last time I
>>>>> checked you can't even buy a book about using the JCR.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On 20/06/2010, at 1:42 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>> I would be interested in helping out with integrating
>>>>> Jackrabbit with OFBiz.
>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>> --- On Fri, 6/18/10, Scott Gray <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> From: Scott Gray <>
>>>>>>> Subject: Hippo CMS
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 6:57 PM
>>>>>>> Anybody using or considered using
>>>>>>> Hippo CMS ( in conjunction with
>>>>> OFBiz?
>>>>>>> - Apache Licensed
>>>>>>> - Uses Jackrabbit as its repository
>>>>>>> - Supports Versioning, Internationalization,
>>>>> Publishing
>>>>>>> Workflows and more
>>>>>>> We could start out by using Hippo's UI to manage
>>>>> content
>>>>>>> and retrieve it for display within OFBiz using the
>>>>> JCR
>>>>>>> API.  As the various document types needed by
>>>>> the OFBiz
>>>>>>> base applications begin to take shape we could
>>>>> look at ways
>>>>>>> to allow the content to be modified directly from
>>>>> within
>>>>>>> OFBiz (once again using the JCR API).
>>>>>>> Any thoughts, alternatives, ideas or whatever
>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> appreciated.  I'm considering working on a
>>>>> POC in my
>>>>>>> spare time, not sure how long that might take at
>>>>> this
>>>>>>> stage.  I already have a copy of Hippo
>>>>> running inside
>>>>>>> OFBiz but that was just a matter of expanding
>>>>> their WAR
>>>>>>> distribution and wrapping it in a component, next
>>>>> step would
>>>>>>> be gaining access to the repo from OFBiz code.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>> HotWax Media

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