so there will not be any more releases based on the trunk?
I was speaking in the future when 11.04 or 12.04 happen.

it is the disregard of those that actually use this software instead of just enjoy developing it.

I am a developer second and a business man first.

basically you can add all you want but when you want to remove you must consider those that have counted on what was provided.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
<>  <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Bruno Busco sent the following on 1/6/2011 2:33 PM:
The theme will still be present in the 10.04 releases.
No production servers should rely on trunk.


2011/1/6 BJ Freeman<>

I have one that uses the flat grey as default
so if I do an update from the svn the flat grey will and my customization

my sas uses all those in the themes, with my modification.
they will be removed. when the svn update is run.

those are just a few examples.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation<><>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Bruno Busco sent the following on 1/6/2011 2:00 PM:

  I am sorry, BJ, I do not see your point.

What could be the issue?
We will have less themes to maintain in the trunk (just Flat Grey,
Default and Multiflex).
We will have more people that will be able to maintain additional themes
the Themes Gallery.

Production servers will have each one its selected theme (one of the OOTB,
one of the Themes Gallery or a customized version of them).


2011/1/6 BJ Freeman<>

  how about those that are using ofbiz for SAS and will have many themes
their clients.

Bruno Busco sent the following on 1/6/2011 12:51 PM:

  Yes, having more than one theme in the trunk was originally accepted in

order to use and show the visual theme selection feature OOTB.
Actually Bluelight, Dropping Crumbs and Tomahawk are one the evolution
the other.
Each time we decided to create a new theme instead of replacing the one
existing just to avoid problems to users.

My proposal is to remove Bluelight, Dropping Crumbs and BizznessTime
the trunk and put them in a separate themes repository as suggested by
Remove the actual version of the Flat Grey from the trunk and put it in
themes repository.
Improve the Flat Grey theme in the trunk with the work you guys are

In this way we will have in the trunk two themes for the backend (Actual
FlatGrey and Tomahawk) and two themes for the ecommerce (Default and
In the themes repository there will be Bluelight, Dropping Crumbs,
BizznessTime and the actual FlatGrey.
It could be a nice start for the theme repository (and gallery) start.


2011/1/6 Jacques Le Roux<>

  Ryan Foster wrote:


Ryan L. Foster

On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

  Ryan Foster wrote:


I understand your concerns about support, and your thoughts on the
themes has some valid points.  However, in regards to the
BizznessTime theme, I never really intended for that to be "my"
anyway.  I always viewed it as a community theme as that
was it's original intent and it was truly a collaborative effort to
build it between myself, my colleagues at HotWax, BrainFood,
and other members of the the OFBiz community.

  Right, sorry for that Ryan. It's only because I know you were one
"fathers" (the most important I guess) and helped much
at the beginning, my apologies.

  At any rate, my time issues and focus have shifted significantly

  the last few months as I have left HotWax and gone into
independent consulting and freelance development.  I plan on taking
much more active role in the community in the months and
years ahead.

  That's really a good, very good news!

  As far as theme contributions go, I wonder if maybe it would be a

  idea to have a theme repo outside of the trunk that
individuals could commit to?  The problem with theme maintenance
new theme has been added to the trunk is that not
everyone has commit privileges to the trunk.  This makes the process
maintenance a lot more time consuming for individual
contributors as they have to rely on patches, updates,
etc, rather than just monitoring and maintaining their own

  This could certainly be discussed as themes are no blocking parts
as *at least one works "perfectly"* (another way is to
become committer), opinions?

  I think the way that Magento and Wordpress do it are good examples.
Wordpress, there is one "official" theme that is
included with the install, but there are literally thousands of themes
that are not maintained by Wordpress that they list on
there site, and now with the 3.0
release you can even search for new themes and install them
automatically from inside your Wordpress install.  Doing it this way
fosters wider community support by delegating maintenance of
these themes to individual contributors rather than forcing it on a
handful of committers and also allows developers to monetize
there contributions by offering "premium" themes and plugins.  In
there are many individuals and companies in the Wordpress
community that make their living solely by selling themes and plugins.
  This furthers solidifies the base of support for the
project by offering a mid-tier option for someone who wants something
than OOTB but can't necessarily afford custom

  This makes good sense indeed. The only difference, I guess, is
unfortunately the width of the audience. This does not mean that we
not try...



  Ryan L. Foster


On Jan 6, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

  From my perspective, I don't see much chance in the Flat Grey

  theme being abandoned. Enough people use it that it will
get the attention it needs. If Ryan isn't available to fix
can fix it. If I'm not available, someone else could
fix it, etc.


On 1/6/2011 6:02 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


Your screen copies at
looks really great! Looking forward for the implementation...

My concerns are that maybe you will not have enough time later to
up with possible bugs or other issues. Look for instance what
to Bizzness Time

Even if it looks a bit old, we have a theme which works great. Why
taking any risks with it? Also I can't see any issues with having
themes. The more we have the better, I like to have the choice.
(rare) people prefer to use old things, see games machines or
synthesizers for instance (I still love the DX-7 sound

There are any evolved version of Flat Grey yet. So this could be
modern one still using the RTL mechanism introduced by Adrian.
choice the name!



Ryan Foster wrote:

  IMO I see no reason to have a "Flat Grey Evolution" theme. Adrian

right, the Flat Grey theme hasn't had a visual update in
years and it looks very dated. It needs some love. Let's not add
another improved version, let's just improve the version we
have now. I think that is more efficient and more beneficial in
long run.

As far as the tabs go, we can still keep a horizontal, tab-like
navigation without actually having the tabs look like tabs.
Because, the absolutely do look terrible displayed in two rows.
Adrian, I would be happy to collaborate with you on this. I
think I have some ideas that could help. Email me directly if you
to hash out some ideas outside of this mailing list

Consequently, as far as new admin themes go, I guess I can use
an opportunity as well to drop a teaser about a new theme
I have been working on already for some time now that I honestly
will become the go-to theme for scalability and
customization, and that will eventually replace the Flat Grey
altogether. The new theme scales down very well to 800x600
and has minimal styling for maximum flexibility and
Stay tuned for more details in the next few days...

Ryan L. Foster

On Jan 3, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

  Chiclet refers to a brand of chewing gum. The tabs look like

  of Chiclets chewing gum. They look terrible when they are
displayed in two rows.


--- On Mon, 1/3/11, Jacques Le Roux<>

  By "chiclet" main navigation style,

you mean the tabs? Then I think we should keep Flat Grey as
it is (because there are advantages
to have tabs) and create a Flat Grey evolution...


From: "Adrian Crum"<>

  I was thinking we could use colors from the Apache logo

  and the BizznessTime theme. I would also like to get rid of

the "chiclet"

  main navigation style, and maybe have that menu in a

  collapsible left column.


--- On Sun, 1/2/11, Sascha Rodekamp


   From: Sascha Rodekamp<

  Subject: Re: Discussion: Flat Grey Visual Theme

  "Jacques Le Roux"<>

  Date: Sunday, January 2, 2011, 2:27 AM

  I really would appreciate to keep the
Flat Gray. But you're right it needs a
few visual improvements.
Let me think about this, maybe somethink comes to

  my mind

  ..... :-)


2010/12/29 Jacques Le Roux<>

  IIRW, it's the only really RTL capable. So a big YES to keep

  of course.
I have no ideas though :/


From: "Adrian Crum"<>

The Flat Grey visual theme is getting old.

  The current version of the theme is based on the original
and feel of
OFBiz when I first joined the community - back in 2004.
the Spring of
2007 I added some gradient gifs to make the original style
little more

After that, the visual theme was converted to a floating
flexible layout
(to fit any size screen), it was made

  sight-impaired accessible (font size

  can be changed), and it added support for bi-directional


  (for rtl
languages). Those design decisions were made by the OFBiz
community and, in
my opinion, continue to make the Flat Grey theme the
theme when all
else fails. It just works.

Despite its advantages, it looks dated. I would like to
it to make
it more modern, but maintain its advantages over the other
themes. I'm
thinking it only needs css and gif file updates. The
templates and
javascripts would be maintained.

If anyone is interested, they are welcome to help out. I
appreciate any suggestions or comments.

Let me know what you think.


Sascha Rodekamp
Lynx-Consulting GmbH
Johanniskirchplatz 6
D-33615 Bielefeld

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