What do we gain by adding the complications of more progressive enhancement to 
the OFBiz UI?  Are there some "must have" features that we're missing out on?  
I'm not asking because I'm against it, I'm asking because I don't know.

I will be against it if we add complications for only minor gains though, or if 
the additional support is implemented in a haphazard manner.


On 28/05/2011, at 12:43 AM, Patrick Antivackis wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to have ofbiz ready for HTML5 and it is not really out of
> the box ready for that (for exemple doctype is hard coded in java and
> ftl macros).
> There are lot of things to update in order to have a real html5 ofbiz
> (doctype, container, microdata/microformat, ftl tags, style, ...) so
> it would need a master jira task if such thing as to be done and still
> be managed by configuration (in order to have xhtml1.0-transitional as
> well as html5 web apps or even view).
> Is this something interesting for the community for which i can create
> a jira ticket with sub ticket corresponding for each task I already
> identified ?
> Regards
> Patrick

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