Bump ?


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> Yes no problems. Depending on what you are starting from, you will need to 
> add binaries files (from my last patch) or not (Tom's
> zips) but with zips you might get some issues, already blurred in my mind. 
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Scott Gray" <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com>
>> It's been all of 3 days since I asked you to wait for a thorough review, has 
>> that happened yet or will you just keep asking
>> until no one can be bothered asking you to wait any longer?  Patience is a 
>> virtue Jacques, the project has gone over 10 years
>> without this feature and I don't think a few days/weeks/months will hurt 
>> any, especially considering the next release branch
>> isn't due to be created for quite some time.   
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> On 19/11/2012, at 8:41 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We (Tom and I) are ready to commit the new help (webhelp - OFBIZ-4941) in 
>>> the content component where all work for us, and will
>>> be completed by Tom as he suggested. There are some trivial Birt issues 
>>> which will dissapear when the process will be
>>> completed, see my last comment. 
>>> Is it ok to commit as is and to improve later? Mostly we want to move 
>>> webhelp outside of the content component in a new, to
>>> stay OOTB, specialpurpose webehlp component. Or do you want this addressed 
>>> before? Note that if you want this addressed now we
>>> expect a rapid help from those who want that... 
>>> Thanks
>>> Jacques

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