For those who are interested to see the final (incomplete) result, done at
Changes from trunk HEAD are at


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
> For the major reason you know, I will commit this work in a branch for now
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>> From: <>
>>> Scott,
>>> I agree with your last paragraph and I have suggested it in the past,  
>>> but there doesn't seem to be much interest in it. There is a much  
>>> simpler way to implement help that addresses all of our concerns:
>> Maybe and this could replace/improve what Tom proposed, but why wait or 
>> reject the current work?
>>> 1. Put Help URLs in the UI label files so they can be localized.
>>> 2. Use the Content component to store and display Help data.
>>> 3. Have each component initialize the database with Help data.
>> Maybe a POC could show the result and would make us able to compare with the 
>> current proposition
>> Of course not only in term of result but also of architecture.
>>> OFBiz OOTB could have some Help screens available in the Content  
>>> component, but if a user wanted to use some other method, all they  
>>> would need to do is change the Help URLs in the UI label files (to  
>>> point to an internal Wiki for example).
>> The same can be achieved by Tom's proposition IIRW. It's just a matter or 
>> changing an URL
>> Jacques
>>> -Adrian
>>> Quoting Scott Gray <>:
>>>> I haven't had time yet, I was on a computer-free vacation last week  
>>>> and now have a ton to catch up on.
>>>> I've read the pdf document but it's light on implementation detail  
>>>> so I guess I'll have to dig into the patch at some point.
>>>> Thoughts/questions so far:
>>>> - The build time compilation is a concern IMO, I'd like to see a  
>>>> help system that users can edit as needed with things like business  
>>>> specific information and filling in gaps for custom enhancements  
>>>> that the devs didn't document fully
>>>> - I think I saw somewhere that it is planned to commit the generated  
>>>> help html? Why?  Version control is for source code.
>>>> - How would this approach work in multi-tenanted systems where not  
>>>> all apps are available to all tenants? If help is a complete  
>>>> document I'm not sure how it could be restricted by context?
>>>> I think it's important to make a distinction between the  
>>>> 'prettiness' of the proposed implementation and the underlying design.
>>>> I also think it's unfortunate that we're unable to eat our own dog  
>>>> food and use the content app properly given that documentation is  
>>>> ultimately content embedded within OFBiz.  It's a great use-case for  
>>>> improving the content app really.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 4/12/2012, at 7:58 AM, Olivier Heintz wrote:
>>>>> I have tested the new OFBIz webhelp for the last 3 weeks and migrated
>>>>> some help we already have (for projectmgr)
>>>>> On a end user perspective, webhelp is clearly an enhancement, because
>>>>> search and glossary (and better presentation) help to find the correct
>>>>> information more quickly.
>>>>> On a help writer perspective, docbook file structure is easier to
>>>>> understand that dataresource - content - contentAssoc - ...
>>>>> There are still some minors problems, but in each case I have found
>>>>> (with Tom help sometime) how to solve it.
>>>>> I'm waiting a first release is publish to trunk to send jira with these
>>>>> enhancements.
>>>>> User Help is one of the software quality criteria and webhelp will help
>>>>> ofbiz community to have better one.
>>>>> Tools is not everything, but it's a good step to motivate the community
>>>>> to contribute in this area.
>>>>> Le 28/11/2012 19:22, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>>>> Bump ?
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes no problems. Depending on what you are starting from, you  
>>>>>>> will need to add binaries files (from my last patch) or not (Tom's
>>>>>>> zips) but with zips you might get some issues, already blurred in my 
>>>>>>> mind.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>> From: "Scott Gray" <>
>>>>>>>> It's been all of 3 days since I asked you to wait for a thorough  
>>>>>>>> review, has that happened yet or will you just keep asking
>>>>>>>> until no one can be bothered asking you to wait any longer?   
>>>>>>>> Patience is a virtue Jacques, the project has gone over 10 years
>>>>>>>> without this feature and I don't think a few days/weeks/months  
>>>>>>>> will hurt any, especially considering the next release branch
>>>>>>>> isn't due to be created for quite some time.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>> On 19/11/2012, at 8:41 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> We (Tom and I) are ready to commit the new help (webhelp -  
>>>>>>>>> OFBIZ-4941) in the content component where all work for us, and  
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> be completed by Tom as he suggested. There are some trivial  
>>>>>>>>> Birt issues which will dissapear when the process will be
>>>>>>>>> completed, see my last comment.
>>>>>>>>> Is it ok to commit as is and to improve later? Mostly we want  
>>>>>>>>> to move webhelp outside of the content component in a new, to
>>>>>>>>> stay OOTB, specialpurpose webehlp component. Or do you want  
>>>>>>>>> this addressed before? Note that if you want this addressed now  
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> expect a rapid help from those who want that...
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Jacques

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