Comments inline.

> From: "Pierre Smits" <>
> Subject: Re: move to git.

> Quoting:
> We are also prepared to be assertive regarding this situation. 


> Thanks Ean for the position of *Brainfood* in this position. It comes
> across as 'Do it our way, or else'. You are free to make such statements
> and when followed through there will be consequences. For all participating
> in this project. One I can see standing out clearly is: no more
> participation in/contribution from the employees of Brainfood and from the
> other companies in that consortium back into the project.
> If that is going to happen, I will say: 'I thank you for all the
> contributions you did to the project'. And I will check in my sentiments at
> the door. I do hope that if you do you also resign totally from this
> project.

I believe what I said was "we'll do it our way even if you continue to do it
your way". I'm not sure what the "or else" part of my message was. I would ask
you to explain that to me but I'm not sure its important to the discussion.

> I rather have the community comes to its decision based on sound/valid
> arguments, not (veiled) threats.

There were no threats in my message. A threat might read like "no participation
in/contribution from {insert group here} will be allowed if they try to do
something without my permission".

The Apache Way is to "be nice" and I think it would be nice if people could
pursue their own ideas about how to improve the project as long as they do not
coerce other members.

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