comment in-line

Le 28/11/2016 à 22:43, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> Hi Sharan,
> Thank you for starting this important topic. OFBiz definitely needs
> strategic objectives and a sense of direction. To try to formulate a
> strategy, I would suggest perhaps we highlight where I think OFBiz delivers
> value and where it does not, and based on that provide a few suggestions on
> moving forward.
> OFBiz main value proposition
> -------------------------------------------
> - A very robust domain model based on the data model resource book.
> - A library of services to control and manipulate the data model.
> - A DSL that hides and abstracts away the complexity of everything (services, 
> entities, widgets, routing, etc...)
>    and makes it easy for adopters to provide value quickly.
  - A plugin system AND a plugin strong organization
> - A business automation suite.
> What OFBiz is not (yet?)
> ------------------------------------
> Currently OFBiz may provide some of the below, but it is not the main value
> proposition.
> - A web framework
> - A general purpose programming environment
I prefer : A general purpose programming and parametrized environment
> - An ERP system ready for immediate use by business owners (not geared for 
> end-users)
  - A business functions library usable to build a Vertical Business ERP 
> Where should we focus?
> -----------------------------------
> If you agree with the above assessment on OFBiz's value proposition, then I
> think we need to focus our limited resources and efforts and utilize the
> help of the community where it provides the highest value for effort. To
> start this discussion I suggest the list of below strategic objectives to
> try and move forward over the next 1-2 years at which time we can review
> and amend the strategy:
> - UI redesign: I think the user interface is one of the weakest points in
> our project and is probably the most critical item for adoption because at
> the end this is what people _see_. Having non-technical people download
> OFBiz, fire it up and start using it immediately without the intervention
> of a consultant or a developer is key to bigger adoption. Bigger adoption
> in turn leads to a more thriving community and business built around OFBiz.
> Hence we need a fully redesigned user interface that is not a reference for
> developers but rather a usable interface immediately to someone who needs
> an ERP platform for their business.
I propose to change the last sentence by :
... developers but rather a usable interface immediately
to demonstrate ofbiz usability and flexibility
to someone who needs an ERP platform for their business.

Maybe the difference at which I want to point is only on the use case 
definition to implement on the OOTB kernel
> - Documentation: We have a lot of documentation resources, but they are
> unorganized, scattered and outdated. Documentation is another key driver of
> adoption and I think a significant amount of work needs to go into
> organizing and cleaning up our documentation. We need a unified resource
> for getting information. I really like for example the documentation of
> Gradle found in which breaks things down beautifully into a
> user guide, a DSL reference and JavaDocs with very good sub-categorization
> and hyperlinks between everything.
+10 for
> Documentation is another key driver of
> adoption and I think a significant amount of work needs to go into
> organizing and cleaning up our documentation.
But also at the technical architecture and tools available for the writers.

Documentation (creating / modifying / reading / customizing / organizing) 
should be part of the
" general purpose programming and parametrized environment"
Documentation should be usable as help for key-users/consultant/technical, 
directly from "ofbiz applications".

> - Branding: A new website, activities on social media, success stories
> (updating), references, etc ...
> The reason I recommend the above strategic initiatives is that they are
> relatively easy and most community members can contribute to which would
> provide great value by leveraging the help of as many people as we can.
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Taher Alkhateeb
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
>> There was a bit that I missed - and this is a common thing that keeps
>> coming back up when we get together and talk:
>> OFBiz could deliver more than one product. We could have more than one
>> product active at the same time e.g
>>    - Framework with applications
>>    - Advanced UI but without all features
>>    - Advanced features but with the poor UI
>> This is also something that we could think about for the high level
>> strategy.
>> Thanks
>> Sharan
>> On 2016-11-28 11:08 (+0100), "Sharan Foga"<> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone
>>> One of the topics that came up during the brainstorming in Seville was
>> that the project desperately needs a clear strategy and roadmap.
>>> Benefits:
>>> - A strategy will provide a clear path for people to follow
>>> - A strategy will allow us to set goals / milestones and metrics about
>> progress
>>> In past maybe we have tried to do too much (tried to do it all at once -
>> which is why we find it h ard to focus).
>>> - One suggestion was to set a maximum of 3 goals and then work only on
>> these. To define these goals we need to look at what is the most important
>> thing that we want to achieve - and base them on that.
>>> - Another suggestion was that the most important thing for the project
>> is driving adoption. If this is true then what are the key blockers that
>> stop user adoption of OFBiz? (the UI!)
>>> - Suggestion to organise / setup teams from the community that focus on
>> specific areas (e.g. workgroups) - this could really help progress
>>> So to get the discussion started:
>>> 1. Do people agree that the project needs to focus on driving adoption?
>>> 2. Do people think that the UI is one of the key things that stops this
>> ? (If, not then please include what do you think is)
>>> 3. What goals could we set?
>>> 4. Are people interested in working in workgroups, to focus on specific
>> areas (or goals)?
>>> (I know there are some ideas/work around the UI going on, but I will
>> post the Seville details and notes about that in separate discussion
>> thread.)
>>> Thanks
>>> Sharan

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