I've added a comment inline

On 30/11/16 10:27, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Le 29/11/2016 à 22:12, Nicolas Malin a écrit :

Le 29/11/2016 à 20:21, Olivier Heintz a écrit :
Le 28/11/2016 à 22:43, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
>Hi Sharan,
>Thank you for starting this important topic. OFBiz definitely needs
>strategic objectives and a sense of direction. To try to formulate a
>strategy, I would suggest perhaps we highlight where I think OFBiz delivers >value and where it does not, and based on that provide a few suggestions on
>moving forward.
>OFBiz main value proposition
>- A very robust domain model based on the data model resource book.
>- A library of services to control and manipulate the data model.
>- A DSL that hides and abstracts away the complexity of everything (services, entities, widgets, routing, etc...)
>    and makes it easy for adopters to provide value quickly.
   - A plugin system AND a plugin strong organization
I'm agree to the plugin system but not on plugin strong organization.

Offer good tools to realize some plugin is different that offer a plateform to deploy and manage a plugin store We need to concentrate the effort on the core, have some official plugin for example, special case and define best pratice.

We are to few to maintain the ofbiz core so for me manage a plugin store is more for integrator company or another dedicate community with different rules.

As I suggested elsewhere, as delivered by the community, this could be as simple as a Maven repository on our demo server and a wiki page to reference plugins. New plugins would be asked to be put in the Maven repo by creating Jira issues. Anyway the 1st step is technical: we need to complete the plugins mechanisms to install from a Maven repo not on localhost. I must say I did not test the current feature yet nor looked at what enhancing it entails...


If I remember correctly ,when we asked the question to the community regarding addons/plug-ins, the consensus was that they wanted to project itself manage official approved plug-ins (so to setup an official repository for those) Looking at the discussions we are having now, some of our standard components may technically become plug-ins (and we've already said that the specialpurpose ones will be). I wouldn't be happy for the community to have to rely on service providers to provide what should be standard functions / components or plug-ins.

So I would be in favour of something like Jacques is proposing that we have an official project repo for plug-ins.



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