Folks, I need to note that the plugins issue is simple and does not need
that much effort.

Instead of firing up an entire maven repository we can just create source
branches for the plugins, and publish to JCenter with an OFBiz account.
This is a simpler faster way moving forward. Firing up an entire maven
repository just for a few packages does not seem necessary to me at this
time. This step might be necessary in the future if we get a huge volume of
plugins or something like that.

So a simple naming convention for the plugin versions combined with hosting
the source code in branches is enough to get us started.

For example:

- For trunk: We can create a task called ./gradlew pullOfficialPlugin
-PpluginId=Whatever. This task will pull the source code from subversion or
whatever and just put it in /specialpurpose
- For releases 16.11: ./gradlew pullPlugin

So I'm rooting for simplicity, I suggest not to over-engineer too quickly
before testing all aspects of the plugin system. In the end, the OFBiz
plugin of a certain version in a certain release is really just a tag in
subversion or something like that. It's not a big deal to publish it to
JCenter or similar repository providers because we will always have that
exact copy available in our source code system.


Taher Alkhateeb

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
>> wrote:
> > If I understand well, this Maven repo is only for ASF internal use,
> right?
> > (though I see
> but
> > I guess it's a matter of agreement with infra and maybe Maven teams?)
> > If it's the case, that's quite an idea Jacopo, less work for us :)
> > Will you ask?
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> I am not sure it is only for ASF projects, probably not.
> But, since one of the requirements by the ASF for distributing official
> releases (and afaik each plugin will be technically a release) is that the
> release packages must be available from ASF owned infra, the above should
> do the trick.
> I would prefer to wait before asking any question until we have a better
> knowledge of our intentions, requirements and architecture; in the meantime
> we can explore more in this and other directions.
> Jacopo

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