On Feb 10, 2011, at 4:32 AM, Jonathan Gallimore wrote:

> Hey Jean-Louis,
> It would be great if you did make over to the UK. I'm happy to try and 
> organize a venue of some kind over here if people want to meet up here.
> I'm still very much up for coming to Paris though - it sounded like there was 
> quite a lot of interest from other people over there too, was that the case?

I am as well.  It's only an hour or so on the high speed train from London to 
Paris.  If we did it the weekend or week after we'll all be done with 
conferences and we might even get Mark to come out.  Hack during the day, sight 
see in the eve.  Would be a blast.

> From my point of view it would be useful to get some potential dates in the 
> diary. I'm pretty flexible, but it would useful to book any annual leave 
> needed and look at travel options if we are doing something in Paris. JAX 
> London is on the 11th-13th April.

Ditto.  I'm good from the 13th onward.


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