2012/11/15 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> This is mainly a community-relations / public outreach idea.   I
> noticed that when we do a blog post we get a lot of unrelated
> questions, some of them quite good.  So I'm thinking -- there must be
> a lot of good questions out there.  They could range from "How do
> I..." to 'Why did you..." to "What if you did...", etc.
> So the proposal is to use Google Moderator, like we did before for the
> AOO 4.0 ideas, and use it to gather and rate questions.  We call it
> "Ask OpenOffice".
> After some period of time (a month?) we take the top-rated 10 (or top
> 5?) questions and respond to them in a blog post.
> This could become a regular thing that we repeat every 6 months or so,
> "Ask OpenOffice 2", "Ask OpenOffice 3", etc.
> Downside?  We could get some awkward questions.  But if such a
> question gets into the top 10, then we should give it a serious
> response, right?  This is a challenge and an opportunity.
> What do you think?

I like it! It's a very good idea, indeed.


> -Rob

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