On 11/14/2012 08:58 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
actually we do had faqs, many of them actually, the main issue is
mantaining such FAQs.
this remind me of a xkcd

:) and I hear ya on the maintenance front.

On 11/14/12, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

This is mainly a community-relations / public outreach idea.   I
noticed that when we do a blog post we get a lot of unrelated
questions, some of them quite good.  So I'm thinking -- there must be
a lot of good questions out there.  They could range from "How do
I..." to 'Why did you..." to "What if you did...", etc.

So the proposal is to use Google Moderator, like we did before for the
AOO 4.0 ideas, and use it to gather and rate questions.  We call it
"Ask OpenOffice".

After some period of time (a month?) we take the top-rated 10 (or top
5?) questions and respond to them in a blog post.

This could become a regular thing that we repeat every 6 months or so,
"Ask OpenOffice 2", "Ask OpenOffice 3", etc.

Downside?  We could get some awkward questions.  But if such a
question gets into the top 10, then we should give it a serious
response, right?  This is a challenge and an opportunity.

What do you think?


I like this. I've thought *for a while* to cull through the Forums (still
no time dedicated to it), and come up with some FAQ for the product. What
you're suggesting is another alternative to this. Of course this approach
would include questions about new features too.

We really SHOULD do something like this. We have no formal FAQ near as I
can determine. (I think we had this discussion vis a vis when is the user
likely go to whatever source for help a few weeks ago.) The Help system
that comes *with* the product is very good. But, it does not, and really
can not address general installation, crash issues obviously.


“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
  she wants, rather than to create it herself?”

-- Anais Nin


“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
 she wants, rather than to create it herself?”
                                        -- Anais Nin

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