Thank you, I will have a look at the issues and get back to you with

It would be great if you could help us find a project for the team as a
whole i.e. three members working for ~8hrs for  3 months.
Deborah Digges
On Sep 5, 2014 1:46 AM, "Andrea Pescetti" <> wrote:

> On 03/09/2014 Deborah Digges wrote:
>> Thank you for your help and time; I will take a look at the issues and try
>> to solve some of them.
> Two easy issues that I just filed are here:
> If you wish to take care of those, just assign them to you (you will need
> to register for Bugzilla if you haven't already). Feel free to ask here for
> any clarifications.
>  I have completed the build and install, and have also taken a look at the
>> architecture.
> To fix the above, it will be handy for you to configure with
> --with-package-format=installed ; so you will save the time that would be
> spent in creating DEB packages (assuming your build was done with the
> default options applying to Ubuntu).
>  If you do come across a project that has the needed mix of mentors, I'd be
>> glad to be a part of it.
> We could find something nice. Just a clarification: in your first mail,
> you mentioned you are three students. Shall we find a task (or a collection
> of tasks) for a team of three people working 8 hours/week for ~3 months or
> for you only?
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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