I will answer later today, I hope. Sorry for the delay.

Pedro <pedro.l...@openmailbox.org> schrieb am Do., 12. Jan. 2017, 11:01:

> Hi Peter
> > If your model works directly with the Product, the flexibility of the
> > Permissive license can be the stronger choice.
> > I do not believe that a lot of people understand this.
> Can you elaborate on this point? I don't really see how using a
> copyleftless license is better when your business "works directly with
> the Product".
> I see it as altruistic (like copyleft is communistic) but as a business
> model, I really don't see how it is a "stronger choice". Using a
> copyleftless license allows anyone else to build exactly the same
> product.
> Regards,
> Pedro
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