Am 18.10.20 um 04:13 schrieb Dave Fisher:
Top posting as well. I think we should consider our goals as a project. If one 
of those goals is support for ODF as a theory of everything office that you can 
trust and know will remain parsable a century from now then what does that mean 
for OOXML?

The goals and current targets of the Project are imho:

# Maintenance

## Blocker List of 4.2.x

## Diverse Error reports (I want to advertise my Jira Collection of bugs maybe?)

## SDK renewal

## Fix the '###' Write issue

## Fix the Profile Issue

### add a the support script for resetting the Profile by clicking

### Maybe having a Profile validator that wirtes reports would be also something.

# Enablement for our users in features they request.

## OOXML is really requested a lot, imho always if people need to collaborate with Microsoft Office users.

## Win64 bit is not really requested but something we need to continue

## Enhancement of our Applications (Michael whished for some improvements in Base and Impress; others have reached out to talk about Calc.)

# Enhance the Infrastructure / Code to lower maintenance costs.

## GSI Check is there to name. (Yea I should continue)

## SCONs transition

Now we can argue if an OOXML filter needs to be part of the Core implementation. But have it developed as within a branch is not a big deal. Lets see how it goes.

Maybe it attracts people who like to work on this topic? To make a request visible is not bad.

All the Best


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