> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Fisher [mailto:w...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 6:43 PM
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Integrate download wizard into website?
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Apr 18, 2021, at 12:24 AM, Jörg Schmidt 
> <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Marcus [mailto:marcus.m...@wtnet.de]
> >> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 7:25 PM
> >> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> >> Subject: Re: Integrate download wizard into website?
> >> 
> >> Am 16.04.21 um 10:29 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Marcus [mailto:marcus.m...@wtnet.de]
> >>>> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:20 AM
> >>>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> >>>> Subject: Re: Integrate download wizard into website?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Indeed, the way can be different how to show these hints. But
> >>>> I think we
> >>>> agree already that the hint presentation could be more 
> >> automatic and
> >>>> context-sensitive.
> >>> 
> >>> Exactly, I agree with you on that.
> >> 
> >> OK, then we have our basis.
> >> 
> >> Next step would be to clearify the requirements. Here I would 
> >> like to be 
> >> generic as best as possible; which means to keep out 
> >> technical details 
> >> for the moment.
> >> 
> >> When this is done we can try to find a technical solution 
> to get the 
> >> requirement implemented.
> >> 
> >> What do you think?
> > 
> > The essential requirements for Windows are clear and 
> concern the 32-bit Java 'problem'.
> > For Linux, at least the issues of system integration and 
> uninstalling LO are also involved.
> > About MacOS I personally know nothing.
> > 
> > Maybe it would be best if I say here that I will think 
> about detailed requirements together with the update (*) of 
> the German installation manual?
> > 
> > (*):
> > I have to explain this briefly: as part of the ProOO-Box's 
> work on the German AOO documentaion (see comments on 
> http://www.openoffice.org/de/doc/index.html), I am currently 
> working specifically on the installation manual. Problem is 
> that I, due to lack of time, unfortunately only very slow 
> progress, advantage is that I really binding work on it.
> > As sorry as I am, I can't say until when this work will be 
> done, but it will take _at least_ a few more months.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, it makes sense to leave out technical details for now, 
> but I recently came across (through an info on users-de@...) 
> the following issue where I think improvement is needed (in 
> the medium term):
> > our download site works almost not at all without 
> JavaScript. Namely the linking to 
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/aoo-closer.cgi/openoffice/ does 
> not help the user at all because there are no relevant 
> mirrors for AOO. 
> aoo-closer.cgi was an idea before SourceForge. It doesn’t 
> work for the reason you mention. 
> > I had already addressed the 'problem' with mirrors myself 
> (here on this list), but got little response.
> I opened a discussion with INFRA. These things take time. 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-21497

Thank you, this is great.

(Sorry, I have read the discussion there, at the moment, only briefly. If we 
have to decide mandatory whether to use SF or Mirror, this will of course have 
to be considered carefully.)

> > I don't want to go into both things (JavaScript, Mirror) 
> here, but I would like to ask you to keep them in mind.
> A download site that works without JavaScript is not a wizard 

JavaScript may be the best technical option, but Flash, *for example*, would be 
another alternative (regardless of whether you like it), so you can't say it 
would only work using JavaScript.

But please: I don't want to argue about JavaScript, I just wanted to draw 
attention to the problem I had named. 


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