Michael Meeks wrote:

> Hi Mathias,
> On Wed, 2006-11-15 at 12:39 +0100, Mathias Bauer wrote:
>> Which timeouts are you talking about?
>       Primarily interaction with User Experience, but also Documentation,
> l10n - I'd like to ensure not only that they have a clearly defined
> opportunity to comment / have their say; but that their window of
> opportunity here is time limited :-) "'discuss' with ... UserEx" is
> fundamentally synchronous, and very hard to verify later, and perhaps
> open to lots of problems. Much as I hate process, I'd like to be able to
> point to a mailing list post and say "no replies in 2 weeks" =>
> uncontroversial & approved.

I see. I think at least no developer (neither Sun or non-Sun) will have
any problem to agree here. :-)

The exact length of the timeout should be nailed by the ESC. 2 weeks
seems to be enough IMHO. I hope that in cases where the person asked for
a comment is helpful but isn't able to accomplish this in 2 weeks just
because it is a lot of work to do nobody insists on a 2 week deadline.

>> IMHO this could be a good reason for an ESC meeting.
>       Indeed :-) it'd be good to talk; perhaps best to rubber-stamp (or
> "recommend to the Community Council" (or whatever) the draft result ?
Sounds good to me.


Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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