Mathias Bauer wrote:
        Primarily interaction with User Experience, but also Documentation,
l10n - I'd like to ensure not only that they have a clearly defined
opportunity to comment / have their say; but that their window of
opportunity here is time limited :-) "'discuss' with ... UserEx" is
fundamentally synchronous, and very hard to verify later, and perhaps
open to lots of problems. Much as I hate process, I'd like to be able to
point to a mailing list post and say "no replies in 2 weeks" =>
uncontroversial & approved.

I see. I think at least no developer (neither Sun or non-Sun) will have
any problem to agree here. :-)

One does. If we consider User Experience involvement with UI changes important, we can't skip that step whenever they are too busy to look at a specific issue. Otherwise, we could do the same with QA: If they don't object within two weeks, a change is integrated. That would speed up things, too. :-)


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