Caolan McNamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 14:18 +0100, Pavel Janík wrote:
> > What about making binfilter SO only module? ;-)
> -1 
> Unfortunately .sdw etc documents exist and are a fact of life, we do
> still need to import them. e.g. my performance review still comes
> in .sdw format, we wouldn't want to drop importing that :-)
Hm - hard to estimate how many of those binary documents are still in
active use. And it would be interesting if they are kept just because
of laziness, or for good reasons (I clearly suspect the former).

At any rate, binfilter is a huge, tangled mess (yes, more so than the
average OOo module), and maintaining/building/shipping it benefits
only those tiny fraction of users with sd?-documents. 

*If* we want to start reducing build time/reduce developer load/free
resources for other tasks, then reducing code size is clearly top on
the list - and binfilter would be a huge blob we could drop in one

There are at least three possible ways to do this gracefully:
 a) drop binfilter for the next major release, telling users to convert
    their documents using OOo2.x. Can even implement a tiny filter
    replacement, that says so in a message box.
 b) move _all_ modules below binfilter into that module, possibly after
    stripping them to the necessary minimum. Build it once, and tuck it
    into a safe place (comes close to a, but is smaller & integrates
    with OOo3).
 c) have a webservice at, that runs OOo2.x,
    and gets accessed from the sd?-filter of OOo3

Just my 2 cents, naturally...


-- Thorsten

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