Thorsten Behrens schrieb:

> There are at least three possible ways to do this gracefully:
>  a) drop binfilter for the next major release, telling users to convert
>     their documents using OOo2.x. Can even implement a tiny filter
>     replacement, that says so in a message box.

IMHO OOo3.0 would be too early for this. I think we could drop the
export but the necessary work to remove only the exporter is just too much.

>  b) move _all_ modules below binfilter into that module, possibly after
>     stripping them to the necessary minimum. Build it once, and tuck it
>     into a safe place (comes close to a, but is smaller & integrates
>     with OOo3).

Following Kay's proposal that's what you get if you always chose option
2 or 3. This would do it not for all modules in one step but for each of
them on demand. I think that's the better approach. Yes, moving all the
modules in one step wouldn't take much time, but stripping them could be
expensive. Why moving code to binfilter without a need?

As long as the binfilter module still runs well with the built-in VCL
and no "must changes" from VCL must be done in binfilter - why not
saving the time and wait?

Before the problem with basctl came up we didn't talk about the other
modules "below" binfilter. Why should we do it now?

As long as no "must changes" are due the only disadvantage of binfilter
in its current form is that it must be rebuilt sometimes. That's bearable.

>  c) have a webservice at, that runs OOo2.x,
>     and gets accessed from the sd?-filter of OOo3

Doesn't need to be a Web Service. Could be a standalone converter also.


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