Hi Yegor,

sorry for the late reply, I was too busy for a well-thought answer.

Yegor Jbanov wrote:

> I am going to try to be constructive. First, let's see if we can
> simplify the problem statement. I will try to do that by asking two
> questions:
> 1. If OpenOffice.org had a sibling project called "OpenOffice.org
> Server", what features would it have to provide to be useful?

I think the goal should be that no UI components should be necessary to
run it. Without going too much into details, just separating core and UI
wouldn't be enough, we also must solve the problem that some wanted
features (e.g. format conversion) will need an output device as they
require layouting. Both is solvable with evolutionary code changes, but
admittedly a lot of them. No reason to restart from scratch.

> 2. How big an effort would it take to accomplish such a project?

That's hard to estimate, even finding a proper estimation could last
days and weeks. My guesstimate is 3-12 months, depending on the number
of developers working on it. But I may be wrong here because my
knowledge about Calc and Impress is limited.

> I can answer the first question from my point of view. I am sure
> others will find other features that they would want to have. First of
> all, I would like to be able to deploy the Server on a machine that
> has no windowing system. Second, it would be nice to have
> multi-language support (Java, C++, Python, etc), possibly through UNO.
> ODF Toolkit, filters and type detection should be there of course. I
> suppose dictionaries and spell checker also belong there. No doubt
> there is more.

That's possible already, but only with the notorious "headless hack", as
you wrote yourself. So the features alone don't require any changes, but
of course the architecture.

> The second question is the hardest and I guess it's the core
> developers who can give a more accurate answer. I would like to note
> that the need for a "server" component has been recognized a long time
> ago and it was partially addressed. However, the chosen approach was a
> hack and it is still a hack. Connecting to a headless GUI application
> through sockets/pipes is not a solution. 
You are right, it never was meant to be anything else than a stopgap
solution. But as we all know, stopgap solutions often tend to be very

> It is an approach you keep
> secretly for those times when it is desperately necessary, but you
> don't mention it a lot in order not to embarrass yourself. Too much of
> that GUI nature is leaking through the API. It is not stable. It is
> full of memory-leaks.

While I agree that the "headless hack" is ugly, it is not necessarily
the root cause for instability and memory leaks in the current release.
I think the superfluous UI code executed in server mode even adds less
to that than the needed core code. You are right from a theoretical POV:
superfluous code never can be good.

So back to the facts. As I wrote somewhere else, in Writer we have
thought about and worked on refactoring for quite some time. I already
have an idea how to get rid of most of the high level UI code. There are
still some challenging plaitings to solve, but I like challenges. :-)

If you are asking me if there will happen something in the near future:
I can't answer that. The interesting point is how to find the right
balance between the different interests:

- we always must keep pace with the ODF proceedings and still have to
iron out some bugs in our current ODF support (this is vital for OOo and
out of any discussion)

- some users want us to implement features they are asking for, to some
extent since quite some time

- some users want us to fix the bugs that annoy them, also partly since
quite some time

- some users ask for performance improvements

- others (mainly developers of course) ask for better modularization.

My personal POV is that it's time to consider the two latter points
stronger than in the last two major releases. But that's only me. I hope
that the next weeks and months will show us where we will be heading to
in the 3.x releases.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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