Am 30.10.2015 um 11:10 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> 2015-10-30 10:52 GMT+01:00 Christoph Hormann <
> <>>:
>     So far use of vector tiles seem to primarily
>     have lead to the following effects:
>     - improved tile serving efficiency
>     - a larger bandwidth of style variations
>     - tighter contraints in basic styling decisions beyond what is already
>     imposed by the OSM data model
> some additional points that come into mind:
> - vector maps are consuming more energy to display (because have to be
> calculated/rendered) -> problem on mobile devices, but also generally
> a problem because every client has to spend energy on calculating the
> "same" image (admittedly depends how many different styles there are,
> and how many people are looking at them until the underlying data
> changes), so globally (i.e. wikipedia use and not some "niche"
> usecases) this means really a lot of wasted energy.
> - are likely slower to display (for the same reason), although this is
> depending on different factors (e.g. if you have internet connection
> and how fast it is (vector maps likely scale better for offline use),
> how complex the style sheet is, etc.) -> generally vector maps require
> more ressources, newer more capable client devices.

I don't think anybody is contemplating moving completely away from
server-side tile rendering at this point in time,  using vector
tiles pre-rendering will likely simply be a further option.

I kind of half agree with Christoph, but I think the perspective that
the vector tiles are a complete replacement for a style specific
rendering database is likely simply wrong. So while vector tiles allow
to produce a group of related styles where you previously simply had
one, if you are doing something completely different you will not be
able to use the same tile set. Naturally, in a wide sense of the word,
there is likely a substantial amount of economic pressure to reuse what
is already there which might lead to really different styles becoming
rarer than they are now . Obviously Andy, Christoph, Richard et al know
a lot more about this than I do. 


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