In Dutch, in English and other languages based on the Latin alphabet /Afghanistan/ is spelled about the same. But for example in Greek it is: /Αφγανιστάν/, in Ukrainian: /Афганістан/, in Kazakh: /Ауғанстан/, etc. Even though people study foreign languages in school, the absolute majority speak, read and write realistically only in a native language. The name of the country /Afghanistan /even in Latin letters is not understandable to a lot of people.

Certainly, there is a lot of imperfection in a language tagging yet, as it has not been that important. But if there is a robust comprehensive multilingual map solution similar to say the Gettext for text websites, then mappers will pay more attention to this type of tags.


On 30.10.2015 13:31, Maarten Deen wrote:
So you have to have some kind of mechanisme to decide when to show name:en (which I want to see for e.g. Afghanistan) and when to show name.

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