I'm on IRC as "yurik", if anyone wants to chat.

For vectors and style development, the easiest way is to install Mapbox
Studio Classic [1] and use a local Postgres DB with OSM data (full or
partial). Kartotherian can use the data source and the style without any
modifications. The studio uses the same key components as Kartotherian, but
Kartotherian is oriented towards massive web serving, whereas the studio is
geared towards development. Regardless, it should be very quick to set it
up. Usually Kartotherian source pipeline [2] should include some caching
source to store vtiles - either in Cassandra, Postgres, mbtiles or as
files, but you can configure it to generate from SQL on the fly (very slow).

As a path forward, I see 3 key areas and 3 descisions to make (assuming
positive answer to "do we actually need this?")

#1 OSM download -> SQL tables
We have used osm2pgsql to produce default table structure. Yet, it is not
the most efficient way to parse data afterwards, and Paul has been working
on the new ClearTables structure [3].
TBD: We would need to agree on a prefered table structure for this project.

#2 SQL -> Vectors
This is very similar to the set of SQL statements that osm-carto uses to
generate data. Mapbox is now on version 6 of vtile structure, so it is
obviously a hard problem to nail down. [4] We could make it compatible, or
come up with a different structure.
TBD: vtile structure

#3 Vectors -> (a) PNG server side and (b) WebGL client side
If #2 produces Mapbox-compatible vtiles, we can easily reuse all the open
source styles Mapbox produced, both MSS and WebGL, or create new ones. The
problem here is that MSS & WebGL are different languages, and keeping them
in sync with Mapbox Studios (Classic & GL) is hard. Richard Fairhurst is
working on Glug[5] to simplify this.  Eventually it could be just the WebGL
style and Kartotherian could render WebGL on the server side if needed.
TBD: styling language

For Wikipedia, we would obviously need a cleaner map, so that editors can
add article-specific info to it. But it could be drawn from the same vtiles
as for osm.

[1] https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-studio-classic
[2] https://github.com/kartotherian/kartotherian-core
[3] https://github.com/pnorman/ClearTables
[4] https://www.mapbox.com/developers/vector-tiles/mapbox-streets-v6/
[5] https://github.com/systemed/glug

On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 11:14 PM, nebulon42 <nebulo...@yandex.com> wrote:

> Then there would be the need for some infrastructure, some test rendering
> stack, which does not need to be super fast but should have global coverage.

> I think it is not possible to port osm-carto and keep the port in sync
> with the current style. So it has to be clear from the beginning that this
> would be a new style (which does not need to be really different visually)
> but nevertheless being separate from osm-carto.
> The specification of goals is rather important as using up a lot of
> volunteer effort and having no real outcome would not be good. I know it is
> hard to make promises, that's why it would be good for the project to be
> backed (at least partly) by some kind of grant.
> The more time people from the "stylesheet team" would spent on this
> project, the less time there would be for improving osm-carto, which could
> use still some improvements.
> If this starts as a grassroots project it would need one or two dedicated
> people to bootstrap it. From there on a team could take it further as was
> done with osm-carto. Otherwise, this should be backed by the OSMF. There
> should be discussion if the OSMF wants it, until when they want it and what
> can be done to support it e.g. if the OSMF could provide the
> infrastructure, donations or could (help) apply for a grant to do it.
> Above thoughts are for newly specifying the vector tiles for the OSM stack
> and styling them by using the Kartotherian platform. If you are talking
> about porting osm-carto to an existing vector tile source or about helping
> with improving the already existing vector tiles and style this would of
> course be a lot less effort.
> nebulon42
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