Hi all,

Carlos thanks for the input, I also feel strongly about your pros for
working from an IDE. I would love to have integrated debugging, I just feel
like missing an arm and a leg without it but if I absolutely must, I can
get used to working without it (I'm recommended to do so from many
directions). Regarding the missing Tail: It's available on Windows, along
with many other Unix tools, via the GnuWin project (
http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/). There's no need to install Cygwin until
you really run out of options or if you have to use Bash.

One more thing, with EPIC, were you able to get cross file references to
work? For example to jump from one declaration in a file to a definition
that is in a different file.

David, thanks for your recommendations, I'll consider them strongly as they
are aligned with other replies. Could you please tell me if you managed to
get the debugger to work by following this guide (
http://www.epic-ide.org/guide/ch06.php)? I'm interested to know it you
managed to attach the debugger to Apache HTTPD or if OTRS was ran via some
other web server. Please see Martin's and Rocco's replies (


On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Carlos Rodríguez <
carlos.rodrig...@otrs.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well I agree that for Perl you don't get much benefits using a IDE or a
> very fancy editor, but when you start thinking that OTRS is not just a
> bunch of Perl code, but also JS, HTML, XML, YAML, CSS, etc. You maybe start
> thinking that a tool to cover them all should be a good idea, with some
> syntax highlight and ctrl space suggestions.
> Then you maybe want to track bugs in your developments or in OTRS, and
> also you maybe want to use a versioning system like CVS GIT or SVN, and you
> are at this point (mostly on a Windows machine) with a full set of tools to
> help you on each of this tasks, or you can do it with a simple notepad ;-)
> for sure.
> But there is another alternative, I like Eclipse with EPIC (Perl editor)
> Web Development tools for JS, HTML, XML and CSS, Mylyn to track bugs and
> the Team providers for CVS, SVN and GIT. (for my daily work its helps me a
> lot, since I need to always have a updated OTRS CVS checkout before start
> working) and other plugins (a YAML editor, a WebServices editor, a
> ShellScript editor, a Sketching editor Regular Expressions helper, etc).
> I mean you can even manage your DB within Eclipse (there are at least 2
> plug-ins that uses JDBC to access your databases MySQL, PG, etc).
> So I think is a matter of likes to use an IDE or not, but for sure I will
> tell you that have a Dev Env for OTRS in Windows is not the best idea, but
> if you want / need to have it, try Cygwin, so you can at least have a
> "tail" command for the apache error log (otherwise you will have to do a
> lot of refreshes).
> Working with VMs is good, but slow and not so much resource efficient (but
> for sure better than Windows IMHO)
> ((enjoy))
> Carlos Rodríguez
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 1:36 PM, David Boyes <dbo...@sinenomine.net> wrote:
> Don’t try to map the Java/C# development models onto Perl. Perl really
> doesn’t benefit much from an IDE, and at least in my shop, the IDE is more
> work than help, so we don’t use one for Perl code. There is an Eclipse mode
> for Perl, but it doesn’t really do much. Also, Perl is essentially
> interpreted, so there’s not a compilation step per se.****
> I find Perl mode in a very large multi-pane Emacs window and a virtual
> machine running a test copy of OTRS to be the most helpful. A working
> source control system (choose your religion there; we find subversion to be
> a useful balance between comprehensibility and power) is essential, as
> there are zillions of moving parts. You could probably use Visual
> SourceSafe, but it’s really not all that helpful.****
> Wrt to interactive debugging, the Perl debugger is really most of what you
> have to work with, but it’s not really helpful in that the various pieces
> of OTRS interact extensively with Apache and the database, and as such most
> of the debugging output that will tell you anything useful will be in the
> database or Apache logs, not in the code itself. Not much, but having
> various logs displayed in that multipane Emacs environment is helpful.****
> *From:* dev-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:dev-boun...@otrs.org] *On Behalf Of 
> *Bogdan
> Iosif
> *Sent:* Monday, September 10, 2012 5:12 AM
> *To:* dev@otrs.org
> *Subject:* [dev] How can I setup a dev environment for OTRS?****
> ** **
> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup a dev env for OTRS on Windows and I'm new to Perl.
> After some poking around for a few days trying to understand Perl
> distributions and development, I'm still pretty much where I started.
> If a guide for setting up a specific dev env is available, can someone
> please provide me with its URL?
> If such a guide is not available, please help with the following direct
> questions:****
>    1. Is OTRS dev normally done via an IDE, and if so what is the
>    preferred one? I tried to find an ide-project like grouping in the OTRS
>    sources and couldn't spot one.****
>    2. Is it possible to load all the source files in an editor capable of
>    finding method / object definitions? (I don't mean full text search but
>    something like Intellisense)****
>    3. Is interactive debugging possible for OTRS? By this I mean setting
>    breakpoints and exploring values for variables when a breakpoint is hit.
>    ****
>    4. Is there such a thing as syntax check, source compilation or unit
>    testing so that I can be as sure as possible that changes I've made do not
>    immediately crash when they are executed?****
> I'm familiar with the dev workflow from Visual Studio (C#) and Eclipse
> (Java) and hoping to achieve something similar with OTRS, if possible. If
> someone can answer and is also familiar with those IDEs, please use them
> for comparison.
> Thanks,
> Bogdan
> What I've already done:
> - Got the sources from a zip package (
> http://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/otrs-3.1.9.zip) because a direct CVS link
> doesn't work from my organization (port 2401 is blocked).
> - Looked over the dev manual (
> http://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/doc/doc-admin/3.1/en/pdf/otrs_admin_book.pdf)
> and Searched the mailing lists (http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/dev/)
> with Google. Couldn't find any references to an IDE.
> - Found info about debugging a running OTRS env by enabling a debug mode
> where I would get a lot of info logged to files.****
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