2009/11/30 Rafael Schloming <rafa...@redhat.com>:

> I have no doubt that a suitably motivated individual could get this stuff
> working on mono, and even make it production ready. The tricky part is
> finding enough suitably motivated individuals to do this and to keep fixing
> it when it breaks. Given our history with the first two dotnet clients, I'm
> very wary of taking on another attempt lightly.

Well, I can see that the advantage of basing it on the C++ client is
that we already have that working on linux and Windows. So the only
bit that is not managed code from your original list is the C++ code
specific to the interop, which is very small. I suppose the question
is whether anyone cares about it running on Mono - if anyone does
they'll volunteer to make it work in the same way that anyone who
wants the C++ broker to run on (say) MacOS will do so.


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