Robert Greig wrote:
2009/11/30 Rafael Schloming <>:

I have no doubt that a suitably motivated individual could get this stuff
working on mono, and even make it production ready. The tricky part is
finding enough suitably motivated individuals to do this and to keep fixing
it when it breaks. Given our history with the first two dotnet clients, I'm
very wary of taking on another attempt lightly.

Well, I can see that the advantage of basing it on the C++ client is
that we already have that working on linux and Windows. So the only
bit that is not managed code from your original list is the C++ code
specific to the interop, which is very small. I suppose the question
is whether anyone cares about it running on Mono - if anyone does
they'll volunteer to make it work in the same way that anyone who
wants the C++ broker to run on (say) MacOS will do so.

I think the point for this thread is that if it is windows-only then it isn't really a substitute for the existing dotnet clients which work (in as much as they have ever worked) on mono.

There is of course the larger point about how we as a project should deal with platform specific code/functionality. Personally I think that given that we're a messaging project and the point of messaging is to hook together heterogeneous systems, we should in general strive to provide access to functionality from as many different environments as possible.

So the question in both cases is whether or not there is a good reason for the code (both the WCF impl and the C++ broker) to be platform specific.


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