2009/12/9 Rafael Schloming <rafa...@redhat.com>

> Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Now that we have entered another release phase I think it would be a good
>> time to discuss the release artifacts. I would like to see 0.6 ship with
>> some updates to the artifacts we produce to make things more useful and
>> obvious for our users.
> I think it's a bit late for 0.6, if I understand the timeline correctly.
>  The "Java broker, client, and tools" multi-component package appears to be
>> just a copy of the etc/ lib/ and bin/ directories from the qpid/java/build/
>> dir after performing a build and this makes it quite messy. A lot of test
>> configuration files are left in the etc/ dir and there are loads of jars in
>> the lib/ dir, which make it very hard to know which is being used where or
>> allow splitting them up easily. You also end up with jars that just aren't
>> intended to be used from there (eg the eclipse-plugin used in the JMX
>> Management Console releases). We have single component packages for the Java
>> broker, client, and management tools so if we want a multi-component package
>> including any of these I think we should simply bundle those up instead of
>> just tarring the build folder and mashing everything together.
> I sort of disagree with this. There is a "philosophy" behind using the
> "just a copy" approach. The benefit is that we can eliminate a whole class
> of bugs resulting from complex transformations necessary to turn the build
> artifacts into release artifacts. Not to mention it is easier for us to
> reproducer user issues if dev and user environments are as similar as
> possible.
> That said I'm fine cleaning up the release artifacts and what not, I'm just
> -1 on doing it by introducing complex transformations between build and
> release artifacts. If we want the release artifacts to look different we
> should make the build artifacts look different.
> As I've said before I'm happy to help with this, but we sort of need to
> figure out what we want things to look like first, and IMHO such an effort
> should also include making release artifacts more consistent across the
> whole project.
I think this is the key point - we need to work out how our build and
release artefacts look; since what we have today is clearly unsatisfactory.

If there are quick, non-risky, changes that we could put in place for 0.6
that are universally acknowledged as a step in the right direction, I
wouldn't necessarily be against them - however I don't think we want to
embark on anything that will negatively impact a 0.6 release date at this
stage.  I am hugely +1 in doing this work before 0.7 (it's clearly a
necessity for us if we ever want to get to a 1.0 release)

>  Another result of the above is that QMan is shipped in the Java
>> multi-component bundle despite the fact it is only useful if you have a C++
>> broker. I realise it is written in Java, but those packages don't seem to me
>> like they should necessarily be language specific. If anything I would say
>> that QMan should surely ship in the multi-component bundle along with the
>> items it can actually be used with (ie the C++ broker and client bundle), or
>> just be made available standalone (which it already is). Users aren't
>> necessarily going to expect they need to download both multi-component
>> packages to make use of everything contained in one of them, and as
>> mentioned above, splitting QMan alone out of the java multi-component bundle
>> would be a bit hideous and non obvious anyway.
>> I would also like to see us tagging the source-only release artifacts with
>> 'src', ie the C++ and the "full" release artifact that is just a copy of the
>> entire repo. It isn't exactly helpful for a user to download the 50MB file
>> then find out what they are looking for isn't actually in there.
> I also think it's a shame that our artifacts look like they come from
> entirely different projects. Even little things like readme capitalization,
> general directory layout, etc is completely different from artifact to
> artifact, and this is even after the release script hacks to rearchive stuff
> to make things a bit more consistent.
Agree again completely.  We have a lot of work to do - which we should do as
a matter of priority - in sorting out  our artefacts to present a more
consistent appearance across the project.

-- Rob

> --Rafael
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