I believe we settled on 3 artifacts:


There was still some active discussion on if these should share a version
number or not. For sake of argument, let's say they do.

So tarball would be something like

   - apache-sdapv1.0.0
      - sdap-nexus-webapp
         - source code
         - sdap-collection-manager
         - source code
         - sdap-granule-ingester
         - source code

Github repos would all have v1.0.0 tags/releases
Docker repos would all have v1.0.0 tag

On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 3:52 PM Riley K. Kuttruff <rkkuttr...@cpp.edu> wrote:

> Will there be a tarball corresponding to the Nexus & Ingester repos or
> will both be consolidated into one tatball?
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> ________________________________
> From: Perez, Stepheny K (US 398F) <stepheny.k.pe...@jpl.nasa.gov.INVALID>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 3:47:25 PM
> To: dev@sdap.apache.org <dev@sdap.apache.org>
> Subject: Ex: [DISCUSS] Towards release 0.4.5a56
> Hi everyone,
> I’d like to start the conversation regarding our first official Apache
> release. From what I can tell, these are the major items that need to be
> completed before we can move forward:
> 1.       Identify a release manager. Any volunteers?
> 2.       Create release tarball
> 3.       Write release notes
> 4.       Write installation instructions from source (Riley Kuttruff has
> started this work)
> 5.       Push docker images to Dockerhub (and update quickstart with these
> versions)
> Another important task before moving forward would be testing the latest
> SDAP analysis image 0.4.5a56. I have personally used this version without
> any issues. Has anyone else upgraded to this latest alpha version?
> Thank you!
> Stepheny
> CAUTION: This email was not sent from a Cal Poly Pomona service. Exercise
> caution when clicking links or opening attachments. Please forward
> suspicious email to suspectem...@cpp.edu<mailto:suspectem...@cpp.edu>.

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