hanks for volunteering to be release manager!

The artifacts to be voted on will be in the following directory (or
something very much like it):


* “dev” being the place for candidate releases (to be replaced by “release”
when the release is final)
* “sdap” being the project name (prefixed with “incubator/“ while sdap is
* “apache-sdap” being the component
* “0.4.5a56” being the version
* “rc0” being the release candidate label

On release, you will copy the artifacts to


Note that ‘dev’ became ‘release’ and the ‘rc0’ label was removed. And by
the time you release, you'll also need a KEYS file similar to the one in
the bRPC project:


Browse https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ and you’ll see that all
projects use this directory structure.

Let’s look at the artifacts that were in Calcite’s last release. In the
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/calcite/apache-calcite-1.31.0-rc2/ sh
you’ll see the following files:

 * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz # source tar ball
 * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz.asc # armored signature generated by PGP
 * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz.sha512 # SHA512 checksum of the
src.tar.gz file

SDAP will need equivalent files.

Now, how to write to dist.apache.org? That web server is a view onto an ASF
source code repository managed by the Subversion source control system. ASF
uses it for content management of releases.

First, install subversion. "sudo apt-get install subversion” or similar.

Then checkout the tree:

  svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/sdap/trunk sdap
  cd sdap
  mkdir apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0

Create some files, then check them in:

  svn add apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0
  svn ci -m’Uploading release candidate Apache SDAP sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0 to
dev area’ apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0

These instructions are from memory, so there might be a few mistakes.
Hopefully you get the general idea. Do some Google searches and you’ll
probably find the release instructions used by other projects.

You'll need to log into subversion using your ASF username and password,
but I don’t remember the details.

Be sure to write a ‘how to’ so that the next release manager can follow
your steps, and add it to the source code when you’re done. And maybe one
or two shell scripts.

I also recommend that you create a bug with the title ‘Release SDAP
0.4.5a56’. It will be a useful place to have discussions, link to other
bugs, release notes, etc.


On Nov 9, 2022, at 3:32 PM, Nga Chung <nch...@apache.org> wrote:

I'm going to be the release manager for this first release. Where exactly
do we upload the 3 .tar.gz (1 per repository) to?


On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 5:12 PM Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:

Regarding testing. I recommend that the release manager creates a
recipe ("HOWTO") for the steps to create a release. One of those steps
is a manual smoke test (e.g. am I able to start the server and do x,
y, and z simple operations).

Other people voting on the release can do their own smoke tests.

But do bear in mind that if there are bugs, this does not prevent a
release. Clearly you don't want show-stopper bugs like code that
doesn't compile.


On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 3:47 PM Perez, Stepheny K (US 398F)
<stepheny.k.pe...@jpl.nasa.gov.invalid> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I’d like to start the conversation regarding our first official Apache

release. From what I can tell, these are the major items that need to be
completed before we can move forward:

1.       Identify a release manager. Any volunteers?

2.       Create release tarball

3.       Write release notes

4.       Write installation instructions from source (Riley Kuttruff has

started this work)

5.       Push docker images to Dockerhub (and update quickstart with

these versions)

Another important task before moving forward would be testing the latest

SDAP analysis image 0.4.5a56. I have personally used this version without
any issues. Has anyone else upgraded to this latest alpha version?

Thank you!

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