It appears some of the source files are missing the ASF header. I did a check 
for all the Python files across the repositories and added them where needed in 
a pair of PRs (nexus & ingester; nexusproto had no .py files missing the 

I still have yet to check for any non-python source files.


On 11/30/22, 4:29 PM, "Nga Chung" <> wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    So this email thread probably needs renaming or we can start a new one if
    we're proceeding with a Version 1.0.0 release instead of 0.4.5a56.

    Anyways, with help from many folks we now have a release candidate that can
    be found here:;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGjkf-Wmw$

    Instructions for building docker images from source can be found here:;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGMdzQUnc$
    Instructions for deploying locally to test can be found here:;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtG-tQ0nvg$
    Associated docker images can be found here:*2Fsdap__;JQ!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtG5KMpZEg$

    Here's how I created rc0. I will get these instructions into github but
    wanted to get all this out first for your review.

    git clone --branch release/1.0.0;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGbmDU9OM$

    cd incubator-sdap-nexusproto*/*

    git ls-files > /tmp/manifest.txt

    tar cvfz apache-sdap-nexusproto-1.0.0-src.tar.gz -T /tmp/manifest.txt

    gpg --armor --output apache-sdap-nexusproto-1.0.0-src.tar.gz.asc
    --detach-sig apache-sdap-nexusproto-1.0.0-src.tar.gz

    shasum -a 512 apache-sdap-nexusproto-1.0.0-src.tar.gz >

    git clone --branch release/1.0.0;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGgkAuYFg$

    cd incubator-sdap-ingester/

    git ls-files > /tmp/manifest.txt

    tar cvfz apache-sdap-ingester-1.0.0-src.tar.gz -T /tmp/manifest.txt

    gpg --armor --output apache-sdap-ingester-1.0.0-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig

    shasum -a 512 apache-sdap-ingester-1.0.0-src.tar.gz >

    git clone --branch release/1.0.0;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtG19U3rPQ$

    cd incubator-sdap-nexus/

    git ls-files > /tmp/manifest.txt

    tar cvfz apache-sdap-nexus-1.0.0-src.tar.gz -T /tmp/manifest.txt

    gpg --armor --output apache-sdap-nexus-1.0.0-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig

    shasum -a 512 apache-sdap-nexus-1.0.0-src.tar.gz >

    svn co;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtG8upBcY0$
    mkdir sdap/apache-sdap-1.0.0-rc0
    cp incubator-sdap-nexusproto/apache-sdap-nexusproto-1.0.0-src.tar.gz*
    cp incubator-sdap-ingester/apache-sdap-ingester-1.0.0-src.tar.gz*
    cp incubator-sdap-nexus/apache-sdap-nexus-1.0.0-src.tar.gz*

    svn add apache-sdap-1.0.0-rc0

    svn ci -m "Uploading release candidate Apache SDAP apache-sdap-1.0.0-rc0 to
    dev area" apache-sdap-1.0.0-rc0


    On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 4:26 PM Julian Hyde <> wrote:

    > hanks for volunteering to be release manager!
    > The artifacts to be voted on will be in the following directory (or
    > something very much like it):
    > with
    > * “dev” being the place for candidate releases (to be replaced by 
    > when the release is final)
    > * “sdap” being the project name (prefixed with “incubator/“ while sdap is
    > incubating)
    > * “apache-sdap” being the component
    > * “0.4.5a56” being the version
    > * “rc0” being the release candidate label
    > On release, you will copy the artifacts to
    > Note that ‘dev’ became ‘release’ and the ‘rc0’ label was removed. And by
    > the time you release, you'll also need a KEYS file similar to the one in
    > the bRPC project:
    > Browse;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGJkaorxg$
  and you’ll see that all
    > projects use this directory structure.
    > Let’s look at the artifacts that were in Calcite’s last release. In the
    > directory
    > sh
    > you’ll see the following files:
    >  * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz # source tar ball
    >  * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz.asc # armored signature generated by
    > PGP
    >  * apache-calcite-1.31.0-src.tar.gz.sha512 # SHA512 checksum of the
    > src.tar.gz file
    > SDAP will need equivalent files.
    > Now, how to write to That web server is a view onto an
    > ASF
    > source code repository managed by the Subversion source control system. 
    > uses it for content management of releases.
    > First, install subversion. "sudo apt-get install subversion” or similar.
    > Then checkout the tree:
    >   svn co;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!aY2tIy4CD6wRO7JlwQ9_XSOpDkqvhu8QMq2ROLe907bKV-UqYPygNoR8NjtGTWMmcJY$
    >   cd sdap
    >   mkdir apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0
    > Create some files, then check them in:
    >   svn add apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0
    >   svn ci -m’Uploading release candidate Apache SDAP sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0 to
    > dev area’ apache-sdap-0.4.5a56-rc0
    > These instructions are from memory, so there might be a few mistakes.
    > Hopefully you get the general idea. Do some Google searches and you’ll
    > probably find the release instructions used by other projects.
    > You'll need to log into subversion using your ASF username and password,
    > but I don’t remember the details.
    > Be sure to write a ‘how to’ so that the next release manager can follow
    > your steps, and add it to the source code when you’re done. And maybe one
    > or two shell scripts.
    > I also recommend that you create a bug with the title ‘Release SDAP
    > 0.4.5a56’. It will be a useful place to have discussions, link to other
    > bugs, release notes, etc.
    > Julian
    > On Nov 9, 2022, at 3:32 PM, Nga Chung <> wrote:
    > I'm going to be the release manager for this first release. Where exactly
    > do we upload the 3 .tar.gz (1 per repository) to?
    > Thanks,
    > Nga
    > On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 5:12 PM Julian Hyde <> wrote:
    > Regarding testing. I recommend that the release manager creates a
    > recipe ("HOWTO") for the steps to create a release. One of those steps
    > is a manual smoke test (e.g. am I able to start the server and do x,
    > y, and z simple operations).
    > Other people voting on the release can do their own smoke tests.
    > But do bear in mind that if there are bugs, this does not prevent a
    > release. Clearly you don't want show-stopper bugs like code that
    > doesn't compile.
    > Julian
    > On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 3:47 PM Perez, Stepheny K (US 398F)
    > <> wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    > I’d like to start the conversation regarding our first official Apache
    > release. From what I can tell, these are the major items that need to be
    > completed before we can move forward:
    > 1.       Identify a release manager. Any volunteers?
    > 2.       Create release tarball
    > 3.       Write release notes
    > 4.       Write installation instructions from source (Riley Kuttruff has
    > started this work)
    > 5.       Push docker images to Dockerhub (and update quickstart with
    > these versions)
    > Another important task before moving forward would be testing the latest
    > SDAP analysis image 0.4.5a56. I have personally used this version without
    > any issues. Has anyone else upgraded to this latest alpha version?
    > Thank you!
    > Stepheny

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