I recognized I accidently answered privately to Ondrej by hitting 'reply'. So here is my answer to him from two days ago:

Hi Ondrej,

Am 19.01.16 um 15:49 schrieb Ondrej Florian:
Having yet another CMS for 'normal' people like Wix may not be worthwhile.
I think it is not like Wix as it is Open Source. But of course this is more important for developers than for users as long as Wix can provide enough reusable elements for the users.

HOWEVER, going into verticals may be much more interesting.
I absolutely agree.

I personally think the Sling could be great data integration platform.
- imagine modeling SAP or SF data as resources...
- being able to 'mix' those resources into a web pages or reports
- build forms / workflows
Yes, that should certainly not be too hard to do. In the Sitebuilder poc demo [1] I moved simple text fields to the page, gave them an HTML name and the Sling POST servlet created the according node property. This way the page editor didn't have to do much. I also agree that it would integrate well into Java (-affine) architectures as it fits skill wise.

...this also takes you very close to document/knowledge management :-)
Yes, this is probably right.



[1] - https://vimeo.com/140369433

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