
Answer 11


The real bottom line here is the original post

Q: will a struts ajax integration be beneficial to the community and can
we start it on the struts repository.

A: Sure it might be beneficial, but no it is not going to happen on the
main apache repository. 

Just because someone doesn't like the answer given doesn't mean that the
question wasn't answered. I think I have seen replies from just about
all the main committers (at least the ones I know off the top of my
head.) I think our time could be better spent determining if it is
worthwhile to attempt to start a project on sourceforge, or ask the guys
at struts.sf.net to allow the start of a new subproject. 

You certainly seem to like the idea of a struts ajax integration, or at
least you have insinuated that you think it is a good idea. If that's
truly the case then doesn't it make sense to get it started somewhere
since it is fairly obvious it is not going to start on apache's
repositories (although as has been said it may later be picked up and


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