On 2/17/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/17/06, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Another way of looking at it is that such a tag would be capturing the
> > same information as the Maven POM... The main value of a tag is to allow
> > someone to check out all the code for a given release at once. Checking
> > out just action and letting Maven pull the release jars for the other
> > sub-projects gets you there anyway IMHO.
> The Action Library is not a release per se. It's a collection of JARs:
> Commons JARs, Struts JARs, and whatever other dependant JARs we can
> redistribute.
> The idea is that Taglibs releases a new 1.3.1 JAR that we have already
> tested to work with (say) Struts Action 1.3.4. We vote the Taglibs
> 1.3.1 JAR GA, and decide to update the Struts Action Library by
> replacing the Taglib 1.3.0 JAR with the Taglib 1.3.1 JAR.
> Now, if we're saying that in order to update the Struts Action library
> with the new Taglib 1.3.1 JAR, I have to checkout a certain revision
> of six other subprojects so that we can do a complex tag, I'm suddenly
> going to find something else to do :)
> Of course, if that sounds like fun to someone else, hey, go for it.
> But to me, it sounds like too much work for too little utility. It's a
> tag for the sake of having a tag.

Without this tag, can one reliably rebuild a particular "edition" of the
Struts Action Library from source?  If not, then it would seem to be pretty
important, unless we didn't call the library itself a release, but made up
some other sort of term like "distribution."



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