Good point about <a: and <a href, so what about "af" prefix? It's easy
to type and is pretty specific.

Also, the tinyurl link doesn't work.


On 3/25/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/25/06, Rene Gielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So I am
> > +1 for the package name 'org.apache.struts.action2'
> > +1 for tag prefix a
> > +1 for the other points of Don's proposal
> Of course, the tag prefix is something configured on a page-by-page
> basis. In my own work, I might find "a" difficult to use, since it's
> easily confused with the <a tag. A common UI Tag idiom is to use the
> UI URL tag and <a tag together. So it would read something like this
> ----
> <li><a href="<a:url action="Registration!input"/>"><a:text
> name="index.registration"/></a></li>
> -----
> Maybe it's just me, but it seems like "a" is overloaded in an
> expression like this.
> ----
> <a2: seems like a slight improvement
> <li><a href="<a2:url action="Registration!input"/>"><a2:text
> name="index.registration"/></a></li>
> ----
> My first alternative suggestion would be to use the prefix "ui", since
> we often refer to them as the UI tags. So, we'd have something like:
> -----
> <li><a href="<ui:url action="Registration!input"/>"><ui:text
> name="index.registration"/></a></li>
> and
>     <ui:if test="task == 'Delete'">
>         <ui:submit value="%{getText('button.confirm')}"/>
>         <ui:reset value="%{getText('button.reset')}"/>
>     </ui:if>
>     <ui:else>
>         <ui:submit value="%{getText('')}"/>
>     </ui:else>
> -----
> But, personaly, I find <ui: a little clumsy to type with my stubby
> little fingers, because of where the keys are positioned on a
> QWERTY/US keyboard.
> Now, I expect that, for consistency, we would be changing the URI to
> "action" or "action2". Given that "a" is already being used by HTML,
> the next most obvious one-letter abbreviation might be "n", being the
> last letter in Action. But <n: is hard to type too.
> We can't use "c", since that's a JSTL default. The next letter is t.
> The token <t: is not so hard to type, and it also lines up with "tags"
> in UI Tags. So, we'd have something like
> <%@ taglib uri="/action2" prefix="t" %>
> <li><a href="<t:url action="Registration!input"/>"><t:text
> name="index.registration"/></a></li>
> and
>     <t:if test="task == 'Delete'">
>         <t:submit value="%{getText('button.confirm')}"/>
>         <t:reset value="%{getText('button.reset')}"/>
>     </t:if>
>     <t:else>
>         <t:submit value="%{getText('')}"/>
>     </t:else>
> Of course, <saf: is pretty easy to type too.
> <%@ taglib uri="/action2" prefix="saf" %>
> <li><a href="<saf:url action="Registration!input"/>"><saf:text
> name="index.registration"/></a></li>
> and
>     <saf:if test="task == 'Delete'">
>         <saf:submit value="%{getText('button.confirm')}"/>
>         <saf:reset value="%{getText('button.reset')}"/>
>     </saf:if>
>     <saf:else>
>         <saf:submit value="%{getText('')}"/>
>     </saf:else>
> I just committed some pages to the Action2 MailReader app, using the
> different prefixes.
> *
> -Ted.
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