On 2/7/07, Rene Gielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So feature freeze and branch 2.0.x now, only fix reported bugs from beta
tests and roll out the result as GA, while trunk moves on to 2.1.x,
fully open for new features and whatever? IMO this would be the perfect
way to go, you get a big +1 from me on this :)

- Rene

I totally agree with this.

Craig McClanahan schrieb:
> On 2/6/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alexandru Popescu wrote:
>> > I see two clear stages:
>> >
>> > - a product that is ready from developers point of view
>> > - a product that gets its users acceptance
>> >
>> > [...]
> That is definitely one of the lessons to be learned from the Struts
> 1.xexperience.  Here's how we're applying that lesson in Shale land.
> The
> recent 1.0.4 release is the first one we felt had a snowball's chance at
> being voted GA quality, so as soon as we cut that release we also branched
> (SHALE_1_0_X), with the rule that only bugfixes (including non-invasive
> bugfixes backported from the trunk) would be committed here.  The trunk was
> then opened for further "new feature" development (as well as bugfixes).
> Right now, it is tentatively labelled as "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", but that could
> easily become 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT if we wanted to do major
> non-backwards-compatible changes.
> The net effect is that Struts could:
> * Create a branch totally focused on stabilization and bugfixes ... the
> only
> *point*
>  is to create a GA-quality branch based on the current feature set.  If
> 2.0.5 does not
>  cut the mustard, just fix the reported bugs and try again (weeks instead
> of years later).
> * Avoid slowing down new feature development ... it continues on the trunk.
> * If 2.05 (say) got voted GA but a security vulnerability or critical bug
> were later
>  discovered, an updated version could be turned around VERY quickly on the
>  branch.  Just fix the bad problems and release it.  You don't have to
> worry about
>  stabilizing all the new features that might have been added on the trunk,
> because
>  they won't be present on the branch.  (The MyFaces folks are currently
> paying
>  the same price we paid in 1.x, because they are intermixing new features
> and
>  bugfixes on the trunk -- hopefully they will learn the same lesson.)
> Branches are our friends.  The fact that we didn't leverage them is the
> biggest thing we did wrong in Struts 1.x development, IMHO.  I hope that
> the
> Struts 2 process can improve based on lessons learned from that experience.
> Don
> Craig

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