On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 16:19 +0100, jean-frederic clere wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that the tcnative releases should be independent from tomcat.
> There are several reasons:
> - The native code is in /tomcat/connectors/trunk/jni/native and it 
> checked out via links in tc trunk/6.0.x/5.5.x.
> - The logic to have tcnative independent is already in the code of trunk 
> and 6.0.x.
> - We have been already releasing it (incorrectly) since a long time in 
> tomcat/tomcat-connectors/native.

The native component can be used by many Tomcat releases, and has been
tagged and released independently. Of course, it is often done in sync
with Tomcat to introduce new APIs, but overall it's quite similar to
mod_jk releases.


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