On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 17:54 +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:
> Looking at it's formal qualities, it already has some properties of such 
> a product:
> - the API between tcnative and the component using it seems stable
> - When we have a problem in tcnative, we fix it there and allow TC users 
> to update their tcnative independently
> - we tag a common version of all what's needed to build and use tcnative
> - we produce source and binary packaging out of the tag
> - we provided the packages in form of an independant download in the 
> past, binaries not from ASF servers because we didn't like to handle the 
> legal crypto stuff
> Possible arguments against having a separate product:
> - We need an RM
> - Higher level of completeness needed for the downloadable stuff (mainly 
> docs)
> - Formal procedural overhead (mainly release voting)
> - Maybe more user issues, because the API might not be as stable as we wish
> and maybe more arguments, I don't see at the moment.

I don't think that it needs to be managed as a full project (and it does
not have 3 developers). However, it still looks as a release of
something separate than a Tomcat release (for example, existing Tomcat
users will be able to take 1.1.12 and use it with older Tomcat releases
to fix a bug), so it would need a release vote and separate tagging.


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