Two cents from a side
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Sylvain Laurent
<> wrote:
> On 20 déc. 2011, at 12:22, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Where I disagree is on whether a switch to Maven lowers that barrier to
>> entry. I agree it lowers it for folks that already know Maven but don't
>> know Ant but that it raises it for folks that know Ant but don't know Maven.
> Knowing ant does not mean knowing how to build a particular project. That's 
> the big drawback of ant over maven : there's no convention/standard way of 
> doing things.
> IMHO knowing maven is worth the investment and can be applied to so many 
> projects that the return on investment is quite quick.

whether I run ant release or mvn clean install there is no real
difference to a new user, so I'd deny the argument. And in any complex
build there are at least as many possibilities to achieve something
with mvn as with ant, so standardization of the poms is a myth which
mvn  tries to sell (To start with something parent and aggregator in
one pom or different, aggregator in parent folder or separate folder

Having said this, we moved all our projects to mvn about a year ago
and we did't regret it. We did mainly because of
dependency/publication management (after trying to publish to nexus
with ant-ivy for three month) and reproducibility of builds. Together
with jenkins/hudson integration it was a total win.

</2 cents>

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