Please see my comments inline.


From: ant elder 
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [2.x] Java SCA 2.0 next milestones release

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Luciano Resende <> wrote:

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Simon Laws <> wrote:
  > What do you mean by short? Monthly? Six weekly? I think it should be down at
  > this sort of order.

  I was thinking on something around 4 weeks or less.

  > Not sure we explicitly have to alternate but I like the idea of themes.
  > Maybe this results in the same thing but I wouldn't want to pre-judge it.

  I just want to avoid loosing focus, and having multiple people going
  in multiple directions. Alternating focus between OASIS spec items and
  Tuscany infrastructure/extensions would allow us to get the right
  balance, and would allow active collaboration towards a common goal
  and I hope better results at the end.

+1 on not loosing focus, but i think we may need to have multiple people going 
in multiple directions if we're to get this done in time. Remember the date 
we're aiming for 2.0 is June, just three and a bit months away so not much 

Doing a release takes time away from other work so too short a release cycle 
will impact productivity, a release every few weeks is too often IMHO, it might 
work with the point releases we've done to fix bugs in 1.x.x type releases but 
for this type of milestone development it would mean an unnecessarily high 
percentage of our available time gets sucked up in release work. 6 weeks seems 
more realistic to me and that could give an M2 at end of March, M3 end of 
April, perhaps beta1 end of May and then 2.0 final tracks the OASIS date. 

A 6-week cycle sounds reasonable.

So fitting the work and themes into into those three releases could be: 

M2 - port as much as possible from 1.x to 2.x

IMO, it is probably too early to do this in M2. Porting non-OASIS extensions 
won't help the OASIS compliance and I'm afraid that we will have to do it again 
as the core and SPIs will change quite a bit. We need to adjust the XSDs, 
models and processors for the assembly, policy and other OASIS 
bindings/implementations so that the Tuscany runtime can consume the OASIS 
composites. We should try to get some of the key infrastructures such as 
Endpoint and Policy in place first. (The policy work can be spanning over two 

We can start with the extensions that are defined by OASIS specs and defer 
other extensions to a later stage.

When will the Domain/Node story to be completed?

M3 - work on OASIS compliance

We should try to pass all of the OASIS compliance tests.

Beta1 - stabilize all functional changes

I think it's the time that we port non-OASIS extensions to 2.x and stabilize 
the code.

and then only bug fixes in a 2.0 branch till the 2.0 final release

Let's try to dump out the all the items toward an OASIS-compliant SCA runtime 
first and then plug them into the milestones.


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