

And programmer is a requirement of (P)PMC [1].


And programmer is not a requirement of (P)PMC [1].


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 2:30 PM moon soo Lee <> wrote:

> Appreciate Amos, for sharing thoughtful concerns.
> If i add more answer,
> So far, Zeppelin has 8 PPMC from 4 different affiliations. And 5 of them
> is work in the same company. 3 of them from 3 different affiliation invited
> since it's incubation.
> I personally think all 3 are good programmer, but it may depends on how
> you define 'programmer'. And programmer is a requirement of (P)PMC [1].
> In point of view of survival, Zeppelin will still have at least 3
> different PPMC from 3 different affiliation, in the case of all PPMC
> disappearing from any particular affiliation. Project still able to make
> any decisions.
> Diversity of PPMC affiliation is not a requirement of graduation according
> to this thread [2] (I guess this is the email that Roman mention).
> I think meaning of 'diversity' is not limited to affiliation. 'Diversity'
> can be location, language, nationality, gender, background, experience, and
> so on. In this perspective, I think Zeppelin PPMC are quite diverse.
> One person could have more commits than others.
> But that doesn't give more votes because of that. All people has the same
> single vote, that's effective particularly making decision in Apache way.
> Regarding diversity of view points,
> To me, I always see different opinions, ideas on comment of PR/issue (most
> discussions are happening on PR/issue) whether they're strong or not, and
> most of them, eventually converged. I'd like to see it 'mature' than 'no
> disagreement'.
> And many different of features and improvements has been discussed and
> contributed from various people/organizations, most of them actually not on
> the roadmap. Thats another form of diversity I can see from Zeppelin
> community.
> Although no one blocks post email or leave comment on any discussion, If
> we feel we need more diversity of view point, we can always improve it by
> explicitly encourage participating discussion from Zeppelin's contribution
> guide, or by any other way.
> [1]
> [2]
> <>
> Thanks,
> moon
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 11:56 AM Roman Shaposhnik <>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Amos Elberg <>
>> wrote:
>> > The one that is a graduation issue, concerns the diversity of the PMC,
>> and
>> > whether graduation is being rushed.  The project still is largely
>> centered
>> > around one individual and company.
>> FWIW: the diversity requirements around company affiliation have been,
>> if not de-emphasized, but made at least less of a concern in the past few
>> years. Search for emails from Roy Fielding on that subject.
>> Another concern that you are raising -- the lack of diversity of view
>> points
>> is quite real in my opinion.
>> > As another example, I don't think we ever discussed what to do about
>> having
>> > fallen behind the roadmap.  Instead of looking at how to get to meet our
>> > standard, we adjusted the standard.
>> That is, also, strictly speaking not a problem. Interest in projects
>> waxes and wanes
>> all the time. ASF is not a commercial entity -- we're a bunch of
>> volunteers and
>> lulls are to be excepted.
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.

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