yes I think is related with my program too, when I run 1000x1000 matrix 
multiplication, the program works.when I run the 10,000 matrix only on one 
machine  I got this:mca_common_sm_mmap_init: mmap failed with 
errno=12mca_mpool_sm_init: unable to shared memory mapping ( 
.tango failed with errno=2mca_mpool_sm_init: unable to shared memory mapping ( 
.tango)PML add procs failed-->Returned "0ut of resource" (-2) instead of " 
Success" (0)
this is the result when I run free -m                  total   used   free   
shared  buffers   cachedMem:          2026    54    1972      0         6       
    25-/+ buffer cache:    22      511      
 Swap:         511     0       511
Sandra Guija

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:33:02 -0700
Subject: Re: [OMPI devel] process kill signal 59

Ummm...not sure what I can say about that with so little info. It looks like 
your process died for some reason that has nothing to do with us - a bug in 
your "magic10000" program?

On Oct 30, 2012, at 10:24 AM, Sandra Guija <> wrote:Hello, I 
am running a 10,000x10,000 matrix multiplication in 4 processors/1 core and I 
get the following error:mpirun -np 4 --hostfile nodes --bynode magic10000
mpirun noticed that job rank1 with PID 635 on node slave1 exited on signal 
509(Real-time signal 25).2 additional process aborted (not shown)1 process 
killed (possibly by open MPI)
node file contains:masterslave1slave2slave3

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