On Oct 5, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Sandra Guija wrote:

> I decided to use an environment with Fedora 5 and gcc 4.1.0.
> I tried to installed 1.6.2 and it failed, then tried 1.4.5 and it failed, 
> then 1.2.9 and I did not get any error.

I know that we are sometimes a little slow to answer user emails, but you need 
to give us more than a few hours to answer before re-posting your mails.  :-)

If you want to see if there are easy fixes to why 1.4.x and/or 1.6.x fail to 
compile, see this page: http://www.open-mpi.org/community/help/  Send all the 
info listed on that page.

> how I can check if the installation works, prior to configure the cluster



We say something quite similar in the (1.6.x) README file:

When verifying a new Open MPI installation, we recommend running three

1. Use "mpirun" to launch a non-MPI program (e.g., hostname or uptime)
   across multiple nodes.

2. Use "mpirun" to launch a trivial MPI program that does no MPI
   communication (e.g., the hello_c program in the examples/ directory
   in the Open MPI distribution).

3. Use "mpirun" to launch a trivial MPI program that sends and
   receives a few MPI messages (e.g., the ring_c program in the
   examples/ directory in the Open MPI distribution).

If you can run all three of these tests successfully, that is a good
indication that Open MPI built and installed properly.

> Also, it will be ok if I copy the openmpi-1.2.9  directory to the other 
> nodes? The installation took like almost 3 hours.

Wow; configuration / compilation of Open MPI took *3 hours*?  I'm guessing you 
have very old / low-power processors, or very slow network filesystem access...?

See this FAQ information on where to install OMPI:


> I sent the "ccIVTymL.out" file to the forum but my mail is waiting for 
> moderator approval.

It likely won't be approved.  Send a smaller attachment, please, such as a 
compressed text file (see the support page, above).  :-)

Jeff Squyres
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