Charlie Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I'm not sure that building such an iso will help things along much.

Charlie, the goal is to keep everything current and make the install
process as easy as it should be.  If we go back to the 5.0 iso it really was
a nuisance to install a new server, then immediately afterward be forced to
install all the blade updates, just to get to the most recent release. 
(This appears to continue to be the Mitel direction however we have not seen
any blades for 5.1.2 released yet)  It would have been preferred for Mitel
to simply issue a revised iso, maybe even a monthly iso, but this did not
happen.  And this did not consider any of the fine contribs that were
available at the time.

Right now, if I use the 5.1.2 iso to build and deploy a new server, from
the get go, it is still not current and ultimately does not contain what
many of us feel might be considered mandatory contribs.  Let's take a quick

- a firewall without a port forwarding panel
- a backup/restore function without a selective restore panel
- a server without a tool to connect to the commandline from a Windows
client (webconsole).

just a few examples....

I think many of us listened to statement that said 'if you build it, we
just might incorporate it'.  Unfortunately we are not seeing this happen. 
Many excellent contribs await incorporating into the base iso.

So we are forced download and add as an example, Dan's PHP and IMP and then
we visit and we download a contrib from here and a few from
there and then we visit my site and download a few more and we manually
install of the above and after an hour or two we finally have our new SME
5.1.2 ready to go.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an iso that does all the above?  This is so
easy to accomplish and something I do personally already.  I build a custom
iso for my own installs as I know others do as well.

All I'm saying is let's gather a list of the contribs that everyone feels
is a must have and we build and release an iso that is current and we keep
it current, say on a monthly basis.  All that is needed is a monthly rsync
and we all keep our isos current.

And for those that might say that the server-manager will just get
cluttered, use my servermanager-navigation contrib, and pick and choose what
gets displayed :-)


Darrell May

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