On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 09:54:34PM -0000, Darrell May wrote:
> Charlie Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > I'm not sure that building such an iso will help things along much.
> Charlie, the goal is to keep everything current and make the install
> process as easy as it should be.  If we go back to the 5.0 iso it really was
> a nuisance to install a new server, then immediately afterward be forced to
> install all the blade updates, just to get to the most recent release. 
> (This appears to continue to be the Mitel direction however we have not seen
> any blades for 5.1.2 released yet)  It would have been preferred for Mitel
> to simply issue a revised iso, maybe even a monthly iso, but this did not

I think you tend to ignore the other components of Mitel, such as their
support teams. Releasing a revised iso every month would introduce many
headaches for them.

> happen.  And this did not consider any of the fine contribs that were
> available at the time.

Something thats usefull for you is another few megs download for
others. Not everyboady wants/needs any of the contribs, they currently
have the choice to install any additional software that is usefull for
their particular situation, thats a good approach IMO.

The really usefull stuff is usually something that is very generic,
such as the recent addition of quotas.

> Right now, if I use the 5.1.2 iso to build and deploy a new server, from
> the get go, it is still not current and ultimately does not contain what
> many of us feel might be considered mandatory contribs.  Let's take a quick
> look:
> - a firewall without a port forwarding panel
> - a backup/restore function without a selective restore panel
> - a server without a tool to connect to the commandline from a Windows
> client (webconsole).

This is what you feel is mandatory, I feel other things are mandatory,
such as checklog, mrtg/snmpd monitoring etc, each to their own.

> just a few examples....
> I think many of us listened to statement that said 'if you build it, we
> just might incorporate it'.  Unfortunately we are not seeing this happen. 
> Many excellent contribs await incorporating into the base iso.

I think you tend to mix up whether a contrib is a very good addon for a
few people, I personally think most of the contribs are great, as opposed
to a business perspective as to whether this functionality should be
provided in the default product which therefore should be supported as
part of the distribution by the company providing this distribution.

> So we are forced download and add as an example, Dan's PHP and IMP and then
> we visit e-smith.org and we download a contrib from here and a few from
> there and then we visit my site and download a few more and we manually
> install of the above and after an hour or two we finally have our new SME
> 5.1.2 ready to go.
> Wouldn't it be nice to have an iso that does all the above?  This is so
> easy to accomplish and something I do personally already.  I build a custom
> iso for my own installs as I know others do as well.

And I doubt the isos are all the same. I think this is a situation where each
person will have a different idea of what an ideal sme install is,
and this you'd hope will differ depending on who will be handling this
machine post installation.

> All I'm saying is let's gather a list of the contribs that everyone feels
> is a must have and we build and release an iso that is current and we keep
> it current, say on a monthly basis.  All that is needed is a monthly rsync
> and we all keep our isos current.

You can already rsync the contribs to anywhere you like and record
them onto a second cd, and take that cd with you when you install or
place them on a local fileserver, why reinvent the wheel?

> And for those that might say that the server-manager will just get
> cluttered, use my servermanager-navigation contrib, and pick and choose what
> gets displayed :-)

I prefer to know before I call any community orgs I support running
e-smith what options they have in front of them, this is another case
of where something thats usefull to you is a headache to me supporting
a remote site where the people sitting at the admin manager have 0
admin experience.

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