On Monday 03 November 2003 02:24 pm, Dave Hooper wrote:
> Ok, I don't really have any time to do this, but I'm updating the build
> instructions for the windows installer.  One step at a time.
> Now:
> Install NSIS
> Install upx for windows (even if you already have it for cygwin)
> Make sure your makensis.exe and upx/bin/upx.exe paths are in %PATH%
> Run build.bat from Contrib/wininstall
> The build process combines three license agreements (Sun's, GNUs and a
> Freenet header) so that the user may accept all (or none, I guess).  The
> text of the header follows:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Freenet is open source and developed by a hard working and underpaid group
> of individuals.
> For details visit http://freenetproject.org
> Portions of Freenet for Windows are covered by the following licenses.
> GNU General Public License
> Sun Microsystems, Inc Binary Code License Agreement
> Acknowledgement of this statement implies acknowledgement of the following
> licenses.
> The full text of each of these licenses are reproduced below.

I think we should emphasize that Freenet is GPLed and the user CAN give it 
away. Besides the user does not have to accept the GPL to run the program. 
Why not just say:

Freenet is an open source and freely redistributable program developed by a 
hard working and underpaid group of individuals. For details visit 

There are no restrictions on your use or redistribution of Freenet itself. For 
other restrictions see GPL.txt in the program directory. Freenet depends on 
Sun Microsystems' JAVA tm. Therefor acknowledgment of this statement implies 
acknowledgment of their Binary Code License Agreement. The full text of this 
license follows.

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