On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Florent Daignière
>  I personnaly won't work on it for now. The main point against our
>  current website is that it's not community-friendly... Let's see if the
>  community feels involved and will contribute to the presumably
>  community-friendly sandbox.

Not sure that this makes much sense.  Seems like you are saying that
unless the "community" builds up the new site so that its better than
the current site, then the "community" doesn't deserve a better
website.  Hmm.  To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, "There is no such
thing as community", its all just individuals.

Freenet needs a website worthy of a respectable and reasonably well
funded free software project in 2008, unfortunately it doesn't have
one right now.  Maybe Drupal is the answer, maybe not.  Frankly I'm
not convinced that migrating to a CMS really solves the big problems
with the website at all.

Either way, its up to us to come up with a website that newbies feel
comfortable with.  We've been very lucky with funding from large
donors over the years, but sooner or later that luck is going to run
out.  We can't assume that when the Google donation runs out in 6
months, we will find someone else willing to donate $10k+.  We have 6
months to build up enough of a userbase that we can get >$3k/month in
donations reliably, or we can wave goodbye to Matthew's full-time
attention.  Call me a pessimist, but this project is in big trouble if
we lose Matthew.

Having an appealing website that efficiently turns newbies into
dedicated Freenet users (and donors) isn't just some nice thing to
make us all feel better, its a requirement for the survival of the


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